Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Pure Religion

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
(James 1:27 ESV)

“Now wait a second! I thought Christianity was a relationship not a religion! How can there be pure religion?” Religion can be a misunderstood term. We use it to refer to Christianity when we talk about the religions of the world, but we don’t want to use it when we describe our personal faith. “I’m not religious! I’m in a relationship!” Or when talking to the atheist who proclaims, “I hate religion!” responding with “You know who else hated religion? Jesus! That’s why I’m in a relationship!”

Religion carries the meaning of binding yourself to God. Trying to earn God’s favor by adhering to a strict set of rules. We proclaim that it is about a relationship with Jesus because we know that we cannot earn God’s favor. Jesus paid the way for us and we need to trust in His finished sacrifice.

James knows this, yet he uses the word not to point to a way of earning God’s favor, but as an expression of true faith. When you understand what Jesus has done for you and the mission He has called you to, you will care for the less fortunate…that is pure religion. When you describe religion as not being about you, but about pointing others to Christ through imitating Him…that is pure religion.

James is calling us to live a life of a servant. To imitate Jesus who said He came to serve, not to be served. How can we imitate Jesus? Here are four attitudes we need to develop to be Christ like servants:


Pure faith is first humble. God hates pride and desires us to humble ourselves before Him. Life is not about you, it’s about Jesus. Humility is not about beating yourself up or thinking less about yourself, it is thinking about yourself less.


We get side tracked from living out our faith when we are more concerned about what other people think about us then we are about how God views us. A servant knows who his master is. Jesus has given us a new identity and a new purpose. We can serve Him in confidence because He has enlisted us in His cause.


You have been blessed beyond imagination. You have to remember what Jesus has done for you and your gratitude will be reflected in your treatment of others.


God has given you His wisdom and understanding. As Christians, we look at life differently. We should see others through Jesus’ eyes. Call out to God to give you His wisdom and help you see what He wants you to do. Watch as you begin to see the needs of others all around you.


When we grow in these four attitudes we will begin to help others all around us. This year, 2014, Loft youth group is looking for ways to be servants for Jesus. Tonight we are baking cookies for the homeless. We have already contacted several ministries around Akron to serve in the coming months. How can you demonstrate your faith to God in a humble, secure, thankful and discerning way?

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