Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hope for a Happy New Year

When the parties are over and the echo of the New Year fireworks have ceased, when everyone goes home and quietness descends upon the house as you have to clean up the mess, the real thoughts of the New Year flood your mind. There is no more distractions to push them off. No more pork and sauerkraut to prepare. No more charades and games. No more football games to watch. Just you and your thoughts remain. That can be a scary place.

Did 2013 fulfill your hopes? Did you do everything you wanted to do? Did you waste another year? What regrets do you have? What fears of 2014 appear? Happy New Year they say, but you can barely get past tonight. To quote me good friend Craig, “we are all really good at wearing masks!” We put on a façade of strength and resolve, but inside we are hurting, scared and worried. There are unresolved issues in our heart and we may not know where to start to identify them.

Maybe your marriage is on the rocks. Maybe you haven’t talked to your parents in years. Maybe you feel judged by others. Maybe you have unconfessed sins that keep you from hearing God’s voice and desiring His Word. Idols have crept into your heart and keep you from pursuing God. You feel distant and alone. So why celebrate and party for a New Year that is full of old problems?

It is in this moment that I want you to know that the Hope for a happy new year is only found in the One who makes all things new!

And he (Jesus) who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
Revelation 21:5

In that quiet place, where the fears, worries and pain come flooding in, you need to know that Jesus loves you! He sees past the mask, the charade, right into your heart. He knows what you did last year, He knows what you didn’t do, He knows all the lies you told, He remembers how often you skipped time with Him, and yet He still loves you!

As I woke this morning, I began to think about the New Year and this verse came to mind. The hope we have in this promise transcends the past and gives bright hope for tomorrow! The past does not define us. The past does not have to determine our future. Jesus Christ came to make all things new and He is working right now. 2013 might have been great, but Jesus is making things even better. 2013 might have been horrible, and you need to hear that Jesus is making all things new! 2014 may not be what you want it to be, but we have this hope that Jesus is already there and leading us into deeper walk with Him.

Jesus wants to define your year. He wants to define your life. He wants to define those moments of quietness that may come tonight as you vacuum the floor, or put that last dish away. Instead of the fears and regrets, He wants to be your hope and strength. Instead of the lies and doubts running through your mind, He wants to be your song of joy. Jesus came, died and rose again to give you new life. When we understand His promise, those quiet moments with Him become something we long for! Trust Jesus and have a Happy New Year!

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