Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Power in a note

I’m sitting here trying to figure out where to start this blog post, when I look around at the table before me for inspiration. There’s my Chipotle lunch bag, a couple of shaker bottles, some trash that needs to be thrown in the can right next to me, a couple of coffee cups, a Bible, my iPad, and some extraneous things that fell out of my bag. In the midst of the pile of miscellaneous things I tend to carry around with me is a folded note with “brad-LEE!” written on it. I grab it an open it, only to be encouraged by the words one of my youth group members left anonymously for me.

The Lord has blessed me…you always challenge me…I’m so excited about what God has in store for our youth group!” This little note of encouragement has been a source of inspiration to me. Just a little note I received awhile ago, and yet I keep it in my bag for days when things aren’t going well. I don’t even know for sure who wrote it, but it brightened my day when I received it and every time I read it.

Have you ever received a little note of encouragement that brightened your day, or helped you through a hard time?

I once received a sticky note with a simple message, “Brad, I’m praying for you on your break. Stand strong and fight the good fight!” That was it. I received it from my RA at Word of Life Bible Institute in 1996 and it is still stuck to the flyleaf of my Bible. I don’t collect a lot, but notes of encouragement I lick to keep. I have a file with a envelope full of the little notes, big notes, and letters of encouragement I have received over the years.

No, I don’t look at these as trophies, but as sources of strength, great memories and motivation to continue doing what God has called me to. Encouragement is hugely important! We all need can give it, and we all need it.

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24-25 ESV)

This week we see that having a Christian community is about gathering to spur each other on, to build each other up and challenge each other to look fondly to the Day that Jesus returns.

The Bible is full of characters who encouraged others on in their walk with Christ. Joseph comes to the forefront of my mind. You might know him better by his nickname, Barnabas. Barnabas means “son of encouragement.” How awesome to learn about a guy who was so encouraging that they gave him a nickname like that.

If you take a moment to look through the Book of Acts, you will see that Barnabas exemplified the way to live a life that encourages others. In Acts 4, we see Barnabas selling his own land to take care of the needy. In Acts 9, his encouragement was foundational in the beginning of the Apostle Paul’s ministry. Acts 11, we see that Barnabas encouraged the new believers of Antioch and challenged them to love God with all their hearts. Later, in Acts 15, Barnabas takes young John Mark under his wing and sees his potential, in face of opposition by Paul himself.

Barnabas’ encouragement began a ripple effect through the early church and God saw fit to record his efforts for us to learn from. Learning to live like Barnabas means we would look out for the needs of each other, we would encourage each other’s faith, we would vouch for each other and see each others potential, even when others don’t. This is a pattern for a group that will do mighty things for the Lord.

Look around today and consider how you can encourage others today. Maybe it will be a simple note, a text message, or a letter. Maybe you can see potential in someone where they do not and help him or her overcome fears. Maybe you can give of your time or possessions for someone in need. All it takes is a moment, but that moment can be the difference for a brother or sister this week!

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