Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Slovakia Trip Update 12 - heading home

In the final moments before we board the plane, I pause to reflect on a few thoughts leading up to our departure. Our last day in Slovakia was in Banska Bystrica, a beautiful Slovakian city. The historic city square is breathtaking and very welcoming. It is place that would be fun to grab a bite to eat and a coffee and just enjoy the atmosphere.

At 1pm the students from camp met us at the fountain and we spent some time with them before heading out at 7pm last night. All of our students at least stopped by to say goodbye, but I was very surprised at who came and stuck around with us. Not only did Eric and Lucas come and hangout all day (the first ones to the fountains) but they also walked us all the way to the train station and said a heart felt goodbye to us as we boarded the train.

I was thankful to have a conversation with Lucas as we walked and asked him about his faith and his view of God. Early in the week he expressed that he did not believe in God and has no faith. He said his view of faith has not changed, but his thoughts of God had. He made it sound like, intellectually speaking, his questions about God had been answered. He just doesn't have the "feeling" of believing and is waiting for it to "feel right." We had a good talk about reading the Word and he said he was going to check out the youth group at the Baptist church in Banska.

The train ride was an amazing experience as we spent most of the 1.5 hours with our heads out the windows...can't believe they let us do it, but it reminded me of an old movie scene. I have to say our team was just a blessing to me and I was so thankful for every member.

We stopped for a few hours in Zilina and had a late night gyro snack, which was a gracious gift of God. When we arrived at the restaurant they were just closing, however they reopened just for us! The snack proved to be delicious and was much needed before we boarded the bus for a 3 hour trip to Vienna. Now we are going to board our plane and I am excited to get home.

I look forward to the trip home, the flight and the drive home from Chicago. Yes, it does sound like a lot of time and can be a bit grueling on the body, yet the company your with really determines the experience. I can say that God has done a mighty work in bringing our team together. Michael and Kristina and I have laughed a few times about how quirky and fun our team is. Truly God had a plan for our group and we pray that He will continue to use this experience to bless Lakeside and our friends and family.

In the next few days I will have at least one or two more post that have some more reflections on what God has done in our lives. I encourage you to ask the team members you know about this trip for all of us have a different view of the same story that brings a fuller picture of God's gracious work in our lives and at KECY camp!

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