Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Be Bold

Have you ever done something bold or outrageous for your faith? I guess that is somewhat of a subjective question as “outrageous” and “bold” may take on different meanings for all of us. Personality and temperament will determine your perspective. As an introvert, some of the regular practices of my extrovert friends seem bold and outrageous. I guess the question is have you ever stepped out boldly by faith, getting out of your comfort zone because God is calling you to something beyond you? 

When I went to Word of Life Bible Institute, we had to pick a ministry to participate in as a way of practicing what we were learning. There were several types of ministry opportunities from drama team, sound team, Sunday School teacher, to name a few. God was leading me to get out of my comfort zone, so signed up for Open Air Evangelism in NYC. Open Air Evangelism (or OAE) is basically street preaching on the busy streets of New York City! 

I do not know why I actually signed up for it. I did not like public speaking. I am introverted and I have a hard time starting conversations with people I do not know. I thought this would stretch me…and it did. After some training, we went to NYC for a week to do OAE. The entire drive to NYC my stomach was in knots, and I was terrified. Upon arrival, our team leader selected me to go first. I felt like running away but stepped up and began proclaiming the Gospel on a busy street in the Bronx. It was crazy! It was amazing! 

That week I was way outside of my comfort zone, but I had a life changing experience. I was terrified at the beginning but grew to love it. By the end of the week, I did not want to return to school, I wanted to continue street preaching. It seemed so foolish, yet people stopped, listened, and our team lead several people to the Lord. Once you take the plunge and do something bold because of your faith, it will change you and influence others. Let’s consider Peter and John’s story of holy boldness.

Read Acts 3-4 

Peter and John’s life has been transformed over the past few years. Peter leaving fishing behind to follow Jesus. John, being the youngest disciple, went all in to follow Jesus. Having been commissioned by the risen Lord, they are going about their business when they encountered a paralyzed man asking for money. Spontaneously, they stated, “we do not have money, but we have Jesus. Rise up and walk!” and the man was healed! 

This miracle led to questions and a crowd. They proclaimed the Good News of Jesus boldly. Crowds continued to gather but the religious authorities opposed them. Consider this description by the religious leaders in Acts 4:13:

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.

This is an amazing verse that speaks to the proverb that says, “God does not call the equipped, he equips the called.” They knew that Peter and John didn’t go to college. They knew that that were common men who didn’t grow up in the halls of learning. They could not explain their boldness, but they say the effects of Jesus on their lives. They “had been with Jesus!” 

Spending time with Jesus will change you! Reading God’s Word, hearing His voice, and talking to Him in prayer will change you. Warning – when you are changed by Jesus you will become bold for Jesus. Spontaneously you may encounter an opportunity to proclaim your faith like Peter and John. 

The religious leaders arrested Peter and John and told them to be silent about Jesus. But because of the crowds, the leaders let them go. But Peter and John answered them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge, for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:19–20).

The boldness to stand up to the political and religious leaders was another sign that their lives had been changed. Just a few days before, these men were running away and hiding. On this day, they stood their ground and declared that they will obey God even in light of the leaders threats on their very lives. What were the leaders so mad about? 

The message Peter and John said,

And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). 

Boldly proclaiming the exclusivity of Jesus turned off the religious leaders. Telling people that Jesus is the only way will result in one of two responses. Either people will want to learn more and will be drawn to Christ, or they will be offended by Christ and oppose you. There is no middle ground when it comes to Jesus. 

Peter and John were bold in their actions, healing the paralytic man. They were bold in their speech, clearly testifying in the name of Jesus and not caving before the religious leaders. They were bold in their prayers, having been released they gathered with the believers and prayed. They prayed so boldly that the place was shaken and they were filled with the Holy Spirit to continue speaking boldly about Jesus (Acts 4:31). 

As a Christ follower, we are called to be bold, to proclaim the Good News to the World. Unfortunately, we get distracted and we miss the opportunities for being bold. Not this year. As the school year is starting back up, will you choose to be bold for Jesus? Will you boldly act? Will you boldly speak? Will you boldly pray? 

If you decide you want to be bold for Jesus it starts with being with Jesus. You need to spend time in his Word and with his people. You need to pray for boldness, courage, and opportunity to speak up when the opportunity arises. You need to get out of your comfort zone and trust God to speak through you. Lastly, you need to put it into action. Spending time with Jesus in prayer will lead to the Holy Spirit giving you boldness and empowerment to be bold! It's crazy! It's amazing!

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