Wednesday, August 30, 2023

You are Significant

The beginning of the school year is difficult for various reasons. New schedule. New rooms. New friends. It may take some time to get acclimated to the new grade. In all the chaos, sometimes we begin to doubt our significance or impact. When we place our feelings of importance of significance on the people we know, our prior accomplishments, or the possessions we have, we are left feeling vulnerable in new beginnings. The people may be different. Nobody knows the things we have done before. Feelings of doubt and insecurity replace confidence and comfort.

Jeremiah knew those feelings all too well. He was a teenager when God called him to be a prophet. Jeremiah doubted his significance or ability to make an impact. In the beginning, his eyes were focused on himself and his own abilities. God had a few words for him to reorient his way of thinking. 

Read Jeremiah 1

God told Jeremiah that God had a plan for him from before he was even born (Jer. 1:5). He formed his body. He appointed this time for him to live. He prepared the work for him. This is one of the reasons we believe in the sanctity of life, because God is active in forming the unborn image bearer. God has a plan for you and me. Read Eph. 2:10.

God affirmed that the road would be tough, but Jeremiah would not be alone so “Do not be afraid” (Jer. 1:8, 19). God’s presence empowered Jeremiah to live a faithful life through many difficulties. God wants you to know that he is with you and will not forsake you (Heb. 13:5-6). Your impact and significance comes from recognizing God is with you. Just like his promise to Jeremiah, God promises that if you draw near to him, he will draw near to you (Jam. 4:8). Begin each day drawing near to God and know that he will be with you throughout your day.

God told Jeremiah that He would be his strength. He described Jeremiah as a fortified city, an iron pillar, and a bronze wall, all pictures of strength (Jer. 1:18). This is not how Jeremiah felt about himself, but God saw in Jeremiah what he called him to be. It is because God strengthened him that Jeremiah became the prophet he was. Jesus has called you to be his witness in your home, neighborhood, school, and workplace (Acts 1:8, Matt. 28:19-20). He warns that this world will bring trouble, but you should not worry about it because he has overcome the world (John 16:33). Why not worry? Because in overcoming the world, Jesus gives us the power to live obediently (Acts 1:8; Matt. 28:18). 

In all these promises and words of encouragement, God gives a warning to Jeremiah too. Be sure to obey everything I command to you. The empowerment and protection God offers us is found in obedience to Christ (John 10:10). Disobedience brings disaster. There is no significance apart from obedience. If Jeremiah would have thrown in the towel, given up, and disobeyed God’s call, we would not be talking about him 2500 years after he died. He lived a significant life because he obeyed God. 

You can live a significant life too. When you commit to follow Christ and live in obedience, you will impact others for Christ. Grades are important but fleeting. Sports are fun but are short-lived. Band creates beauty but is momentary. Money is helpful is temporary. When we spend all of our time seeking significance in these things, we will end up empty. But impacting someone for Christ is eternally significant! Knowing and sharing God’s Word is eternally significant. Knowing Jesus Christ and being in a right relationship with God illuminates our true significance. Be like Jeremiah, find your significance in God. 

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