Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Monster in HD (Heart’s Desire)


I’m pretty good with navigation. If I’ve ever driven somewhere, there’s a pretty good chance I can get back there by memory. If I mess up once, I typically learn my lesson and will remember the next time.

There is one place, that always seemed to mess me up, the Capper’s old house in Firestone Park. Every year, Deb and Travis would host the youth group for the    OSU v _ichigan game and for a Christmas party. Every time I drive over, I felt like I knew where I was going, but would turn the wrong way Firestone Blvd every time. Each time I would feel good about my decision, only to be wrong. 

The lesson in this story is that just because we feel like we are going the right way, doesn’t mean we are going the right way. You may feel like you’ve got it under control, but reality might be different.

What We Feel Isn’t Always Real

I felt like I was making the correct turn, but I wasn’t. About a block away from the intersection I would realize it, turn around and head the rest of the way to the party. No big deal when I was alone, but often I had people in the car with me and had to laugh off my mistake. 

In life, we may feel good about a decision or an emotion only to find out that our perception wasn’t real. No big deal on a wrong turn, but basing decisions on wrong feelings in other areas can really cause problems. 

The Monster Inside of us we are talking about this week is a Monster in HD, or in our Heart’s Desire. Our heart’s desires can be good and the can be bad. Since we are talking about monsters, we are focusing on the wrong, or inappropriate desires. 

Ever since the Fall in Genesis 3, humanity has had a monster rising up from deep within that desires to see and experience the forbidden. This heart’s desire gives birth to envy and selfish ambition, which seeks to promote self and feelings above all else. This is deep within all over our hearts and it shapes the decisions that we make. 

Caution: Proverbs 16:25
There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.

What we feel, isn’t always real is a way to remind ourselves that we can feel like we are heading the right way, but it is a way to destruction. Nobody ever starts with, “I want to head down the way to death.” No, it starts with self-delusion that the way we feel about something is good and it makes us happy.

It’s the pursuit of being happy that often leads, us one step at a time, down the path of destruction. We begin to trust our feelings and continue to pursue it, when the Proverbs is telling us to be cautious about the way that we think is right. 

It’s really hard to battle this Monster in HD, because so much of this world is calling out to it. We feed this monster so much. We listen to advice from others that encourages us to give in to this monster. 

Have you ever heard this advice: “just follow your heart”

Here are a few quotes, read them and decide if you agree/disagree? Why or why not? Good advice? Bad advice? 

“Don't follow in my footsteps; follow your heart.” Mawra Hocane, actress 

“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” Steve Jobs

“The trick is to follow your heart and do what feels right.” Mat Kearney

“So let your heart be your compass when you’re lost.” Anonymous

“There are no rules. Just follow your heart.” Robin Williams

“Your own heart never lies. Ask, what is the right action for this moment? Follow your deepest truth.” Brandon Bays

When we say “follow our heart”, what we’re really saying is let our feelings guide our decisions.

If you’ve ever been given that advice, just follow your heart, you should know that it’s the same truth as what we just described, that what we feel isn’t always what is real. Just because you feel like something is the best choice or best course of action, doesn’t mean it really is.

The problem with letting our feelings guide our decisions is that “feelings are fickle,” by which I mean they change quickly and are often off base. The monster in HD is tricky, it’s persuasive and seems innocent, but is really deadly. Several of these quotes sound good, but lead us away from the truth. 
Truth - Lean not on your own understanding

Proverbs 3:5–6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. 

The Biblical command to “lean not on your own understanding” is in direct opposition to the world’s mantra of “follow your heart.” Why? The heart is the seat of emotions and desires. It was created good and pure, but sin entered the world and broke it. Rather than being a pure source of direction, it is corrupted and sick. 

Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?

The Monster in HD is a slippery one. Deceit is a form of lies. Satan is called the “father of lies.” There is a part of our heart that desires the lies and doubts the goodness of God. The Monster in HD is that voice that is beckoning you to do things your way, fulfill your desires no matter the cost, and believe that God won’t fulfill His promises. 

The Bible is warning you that you cannot trust your heart, but you can trust in God. Proverbs 3:5 says “trust in the Lord with all your heart…” Don’t trust your heart, trust in God. To trust with all of our heart is to trust Him with our desires. 

Application - you can’t trust your heart
“I deserve this” or “it’s not hurting anyone” or “if it makes you happy, do it” or “it doesn’t matter,” “God wants you to be happy,” are the lines the Monster in HD speaks to you. 

Yes, God does want you to be happy, but not the way your heart will take you. God is far more concerned about your holiness than your happiness. You see, pursing holiness will remove all the things from your life that truly make you unhappy and will lead you into a joyful life. How do we do this? 
Don’t follow your heart, lead your heart to Jesus.

Your heart is more than the monster in HD. It desires so much because it was wired for the eternal (Ecclesiastes 3:11). St Augustine said we have a “God shaped hole inside of us.” His point is that our hearts will never truly be content with anything other than Jesus Christ.

God created you to be in a relationship with Him. That’s your purpose, that’s where you will find true meaning and value. Everything else in this life will fall short. Sin disrupted that relationship. God sent Jesus Christ to provide a way to reconcile by living a perfect life and being the perfect sacrifice for our sins on the cross. His resurrection made it possible for us to find forgiveness, freedom and harmony with our Creator. 

Jesus calls us to come to Him, to trust Him and to love Him above all else (Matt 11:28-30; John 14:1; Matthew 22:37-40). We are to “love Him with all of our heart.” This means training our heart to long for and desire Jesus above all else. Everything the Monster in HD is tempting us with is a cheap imitation of the good things we can have in Jesus. 

Colossians 3:1–3
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you need to seek Him above all else. You need to take time to read the Bible, to pray, to spend time with other Christians, and continually look for ways to keep the Monster in HD at bay by loving Jesus more and more. 

The amazing thing about Jesus, is even when we listen to the Monster in HD, all we need to do is do what I did on my way to the Cappers. After making a wrong turn, I turned around and went the right way. That’s called repentance. 

If you’ve been following the Monster in HD down the deadly path, would you stop tonight? Would you tell Jesus you know you are wrong and headed the wrong way? Would you turn to Him and tell Him you want to follow Him instead? He is waiting for you and He will forgive you (1 John 1:9). 

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