Saturday, July 8, 2017

Haiti Trip 2017 Update #2

Boarding the stop Haiti!

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)

This Proverb began our Travel Day devotional, reminding us of God’s Compass for our lives. I repeatedly tell missions teams that the “key word for missions trip is flexibility.” You have to be willing to change plans, adjust course and go with the flow if you want to enjoy your experience. Why? Because it’s easy to order events on paper, but you can’t predict the future.

Jeremiah snapped this shot at lunch

This morning we left Miami full of excitement and ready to head to Haiti. Praise God we made it through check in and security with no problems. However, once we got to the gate, I received a phone call from Frank (the executive director of International Missions Foundation or IMF). He informed me that Cameron, who was our trip leader and we have met on our conference calls, had to return to the states with a punctured ear drum! (Please say a prayer for Cameron!)

Both teams loaded up on the canter truck this year

Frank reassured me that the trip will still go as planned, but Sarah will be filling in for Cameron. Sarah is a teacher from NC who volunteers her summers here in Haiti with IMF. Last year she was with us all week assisting Scott and Frank and she knows the ropes. We have Kalypso and Jun again.
Unloading that the Visa Lodge
Unexpected for us, but part of God’s sovereign plan. I am thankful for Sarah and that we already knew her from last year. Frank’s call didn’t worry me one bit. I wish we could officially meet Cameron, as he is a really solid guy. But I have confidence in Sarah and know she will do an excellent job. I know she would appreciate your prayers for her and our team this week.

Just before dinner, Sarah and I sat down and talked through our week. There is a lot of amazing stuff ahead for us this week. We will get to do Volleyball camps at orphanages, distribute food to the hungry, visit the market place, and tomorrow we are going to the village church, The Valley of Hope, again! Sunday is typically a team favorite as we get to worship with our brothers and sisters.

I’ve been praying that God uses this trip to help me see how great and mighty He is. He’s started it off moving and shaking, which means I am excited to see what He has for us.

“We can trust in God’s goodness and promises!” (quote from our Travel Day devotional)

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