Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Why Worship?

When you think of a place to relax, what comes to mind? Where do you go to chill, to forget about the busy, crazy and hectic schedule and unwind?

I love the woods, mountains and water. I love hiking along a river, or sitting by a lake. I my mind, the most relaxing and calming place I can be is surrounded by God’s natural beauty.

One place that comes to the forefront of my memory is the spot I chose to meet with God on my missions trip to Ireland. There, not far from our campsite, was a path that led into the woods. Once entering the woods you could see the lake to your right through a clearing, and to the left the dense forest. The path crossed over an ancient stone footbridge, hundreds of years old. Once on the other side, you could walk done near the water on these rock slabs. It was here that I would meet with God for my quiet time. It was here that I first learned the importance of my faith as a relationship and not a religion. It was here that I connected with my Savior. And it only takes a moment to remember.

I have other such places in my mind that I have enjoyed throughout my life. And this is the promise of our Lord, who is our Shepherd. He promises to lead us to a place of rest. He brings us to the calming waters, and bring a stillness to our soul.

Listen to this truth again, “He restores my soul.”

As we have been discussing “Soul Care” over these past few weeks, this is what we are leading to. Jesus restores our soul. In Him worshipping Him we find a newness to our soul.

Worship.  What comes to your mind when you think of worship? Often people think of the praise and worship time at church. And that has something to do with it.

Sometimes we go to church and don’t worship. Sometimes we are singing the praise songs, but we are not worshiping. Sometimes we study the Bible but we are not worshiping.  Huh? How does that work?

Sometimes I go golfing and I am worshiping. Sometimes I go hiking, and I am worshiping. Sometimes I meet a student for coffee and I am worshiping. Huh? How does that work?

Worship is not only defined by the activity we are engaged in but in the attitude of our heart. Worship is a lifestyle. It’s a mindset that sees the beauty of Christ in all things. Worship is being aware of the presence of God in what you are doing, wherever you are at.

How many times have you engaged in “spiritual” activity but your heart and mind were far from it. Have you ever heard your voice singing lyrics to a song, but your mind is saying “you don’t believe this”? Have you ever scribbled notes to the sermon but could not stop thinking about the test or the Dr visit?

Worship is actively engaging your heart and mind in the presence of God. Gathering together to sing is helpful, but don’t allow yourself to think that is all worship is. When you can realize that everything we do, we can do for the glory of God, you can worship 24/7.

The more in love with Jesus you are, the more you will long to worship Him. The more you worship Him, the more your soul will be restored. Worshiping Jesus is the best thing you can do for your soul.

Close your eyes (not yet, you have to finish reading this blog) and think to the most calming and relaxing place you can be. Are you with Jesus there? Being with Jesus is where you find worship.

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.     
He leads me beside still waters.                    
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
 (Psalm 23:1-3 ESV)

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