Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Just A Little CHAT

Soul Care

Over the next few weeks we will be talking about “soul care.” The soul is often overlooked in the business of life. We take too much on, we focus on school, work, relationships, etc. Yet we fail to make sure our soul is cared for. We don’t pause long enough to listen to the voice of God, to hear from the Word or to replenish our faith. We will look at what the Bible says about prayer, quiet time, worship, service and evangelism.

Just a little chat

One thing we want more then anything is to communicate with others, yet we are so poor at it. We have created so many great devices to help us communicate, and yet the more options we have the more we seem to fail at the very thing we are seeking.

When God created us, He created us as He is, to be a relational being. We desire to know and to be known. We want others to know us, and yet we are afraid to be truly known. We seek to converse, but we hold back from what we truly want to say. In the multitude of social media sites, smart phones, emails and text messages, we sit feeling disconnected and empty.

So many things mess up our communications. Sometimes it the tone cannot be properly relayed through text. Other times we haven’t taken time to actually listen to what the other person is saying. The timing of the conversation might not align with the depth of the topic. How much sleep, what we ate, how we feel, and the list goes on. And that is only one side of it all.

Perhaps the most significant reason that our communication with others breaks down is our failure to communicate with the One who created us. We are born into this world disconnected from our Creator because of our sinfulness. Yet God created us to be in a relationship with Him and He has provided a way for this purpose to be reconciled. In Christ, we have the opportunity to once again be united with God, to talk with Him and to know Him.

He reveals Himself as our Heavenly Father, and we can cry out to Him as “Abba,” which means “daddy!” He wants us to acknowledge His presence and to talk to Him. However, we neglect this often. How often do you pray?

What comes to mind when you hear the word prayer? Some stifling old guy rambling on and on in a boring prayer meeting…blah, blah, blah? Someone talking about a never-ending list of requests?  Some formal language that you just haven’t figured out? Awkward? Silent? Unfamilar? Or is it life-giving and hope filled?

Prayer is talking to God.

That is it. No formula, no magic incantation, just you and God having a chat. Jesus taught His disciples how to pray (Luke 11:1-13). He gave them a pattern of prayer. Someone once described it as the ACTS prayer pattern. Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication, which I have found helpful but needs some explanation.  So we are going to make it a bit easier and talk about it as having a CHAT with God.

When we talk to God, it is always best to come with a clean slate through Confession. Psalm 66:18 tells us that hiding sin in our hearts will prevent the Lord from hearing us. 1 John 1:9 encourages us by saying God will forgive us of our sins when we Confess. Even as the Lord’s prayer says “forgive us our sins.”

God is a big God and He can handle your sin. Don’t hold it back from Him…remember He knows everything already. Confession is saying the same thing as, to acknowledge how you have sinned against God and ask for forgiveness.

Once you have confessed your sin, Honor God by praising His name. Jesus taught us to recognize God is Holy, “hallowed,” and He is in Heaven. God is “other” then us. He is bigger then our comprehension. He is creative, resplendent in majesty, gracious to sinners, generous and kind. Our words are so limited to describe Him, yet He has revealed Himself to us.

To Honor God is to step back and admire who He is in awe and wonder. It is to tell Him how much you love Him and need Him. As the psalmist says, “I will praise Him in the midst of the throng” (Psalm 109:30).

Asking seems to be the area we are best at. It can be hard to confess, it is hard to praise, but it is easy to ask. God is our Heavenly Father who is not offended when we come to Him with our requests. Actually He wants us to run to Him with our requests.

It is good to evaluate what is on our “Ask” list. What we are asking for is indicator of what is going on in our heart. If we are careful, we could be asking for things that are against God’s will, which He will not give us. Yet as we learn to love God more, our affections and desires mature according to His plan.

Life can get difficult and hard. Stresses and frustrations will arise. Jesus wants you to bring your fears, struggles and requests to Him (Philippians 4:6).

One thing God loves is a grateful heart. He gives us so much, the breath we are breathing right now, our health, our family, etc. He has given us His Son, salvation, redemption and a future hope. There is nothing we can do to repay Him. Yet a little Thanks goes a long way!

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name” (Psalm 100:4). Do you want to be a blessing to God? Thank Him for His loving kindness today!

Talking with God can take on many forms. You don’t always have to kneel beside your bed and fold your hands. You don’t always have to close your eyes. You can pray while you are walking, driving or waiting. God is ever present and a whisper away. Just talk to Him.

As you CHAT with God, watch how He works in your life. As you are seeking to connect with those around you, don’t fail to connect with the one who Created you.

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