Wednesday, February 18, 2015

What are you thirsty for?

When you are really hungry or thirsty, what do you crave? What do you long for when your appetites rage?

I find it interesting that when I run, I crave water and fresh berries; blackberries and raspberries to be precise. Nothing sounds better in those moments, and it is such a healthy snack to turn to, it satisfies me and energizes me.

On the flip side, when I am being pretty lazy and sitting around I crave Mountain Dew and brownies, I can’t seem to get enough of them. These don’t satisfy, they taste great but leave me feeling yucky (super spiritual term there) and yet I want more. Hmmm I guess my body is telling me something.

In those moments of hunger and thirst, that desire, that craving you have should be a parable of your souls thirst. Your soul is desperately thirsty, craving something to satisfy, desiring happiness; it’s an appetite, but your feeding it spiritual Mountain Dew and brownies. It tastes so good in the moment, but leaves you with a sugar crash, a bloated feeling and a gross sense of wanting more.

Jesus knows that our soul thirsts for happiness. After all, He made us to desire happiness. That’s why He told us how to get it:

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied” (Matthew 5:6)

He is not saying, “those who are good enough get to be happy!” He is saying that when you desire to be “in a right relationship with Him” you find happiness. Your desire is to be the way you were intended to be. You were designed to be in an intimate relationship with your Creator, but sin has separated you from God. In Christ Jesus there is reconciliation, forgiveness and restored intimacy.

When you learn to crave that right standing with God, you will find your soul satisfaction. Your soul is sick of the cheap imitations, the over sugared empty spiritual calories. It wants true spiritual substance, it longs for the Living Water only provided by Jesus.

Jesus tells us in John 15 how we can draw from Him, by building a friendship with Him. We draw from the Living Waters by spending time with Him everyday.

Consider your best friends. How did they become your best friends? What sets them apart from others?

Common interests, shared affection and time. The more time you spend with your friends the more you act like, think like and talk like them. That is the way you were wired. You are thirsty for relationships and as you drink of them they change you. Depending on who you choose to be your friends will determine whether this is good or bad.

When you choose to, desire to, make Jesus your best friend you will look like, talk like and act like Jesus. Not because you are trying to, but because of your proximity to Him.

Read Psalm 1:1-3
“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.
You see what the promise is there? He turns from the desires of this world and thirsts for God’s Word, for the Living Waters. The results are growing fruit and health.

That’s Jesus promise to you. If you want a truly happy life, seek to be with Jesus. Make Him your best friend and watch as He does a work in and through you. The more time you spend with Him, the more you become the way you were intended to be.

You maybe stuck seeking happiness in the cheap things of life. You might be thinking it is found in the latest fashion, the thin waste line, the big muscles, in a boyfriend or girlfriend, the forbidden fruit, the pornography, the video games, the sports, the highest grade, the right college, and the list goes on. None of these will satisfy you.

Jesus satisfies! Set up camp by the stream of Living Water, drink deeply and never thirst again.

***DISCLAIMER: It is not easy. It’s a daily fight. The Living Waters are offered freely, but they demand everything. Jesus loves you the way you are, but He loves you too much to leave you the way you are. If you are truly in a relationship with Him and drinking from the Living Waters you will be changed. You won’t regret it. It produces joy unspeakable, but change will happen.***

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