Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Night Hikes and Fearful Imaginations

Did you ever go to summer camp as a kid? I loved going to summer camp! I was blessed to have been part of several different camps as a child. Stoney Glenn with Boys Brigade, Camp Good News with Child Evangelism Fellowship, Beulah Beach with church, Camp Carl with the Chapel. Camps were awesome! One of my favorite parts of summer vacation was going to camp!

There is nothing like staying in a cabin in the woods, getting out into nature and learning about God. One year at Camp Carl, they wanted to teach us about trust and overcoming fears. So they took us on different adventures to help us learn these important truths.

The Night Hike was my favorite! Except the first one haha. We would wait until it was really dark before we would begin. The leaders lined us up and had each of us hold part of a rope. Then the leader gathered up all of our flash lights and put them back in the cabin. “We won’t be needing these!” he said. And then we began our hike into the woods.

Now I had been all over the woods in the day light, but have you ever noticed how much it changes in the dark? There are some pretty awesome things to see in the dark, like the abundance of fireflies shimmering in the night. However, your imagination can make up a bunch of other things that aren’t so cool. Like thinking you saw glowing eyes, or something moved over there, etc.

Having the security of our leaders and the rope with all or our friends around made for a joyful occasion. Yet we were in for a big surprise! After walking through an open field illuminated by the moon and stars, we reentered the woods. This particular part  of the path was very dense with trees and we couldn’t see anything ahead. That is when we stopped abruptly. The leader in front let go of the rope and disappeared into the darkness. The leader in the back walked to the front and told us to let go of the rope. He then informed us that we were going to walk one at a time into the darkness and meet the other leader.

Now darkness is an interesting beast. Actually darkness isn’t real, there is no such thing as darkness. It is merely a description of a lack of light. Light is real, light exists and brings illumination. Darkness is a measurement of a lack a of light. It is a fearful thing for most. Stepping out and walking into the darkness felt smothering. Timidly stepping forward, glancing left and right constantly, listening for the slightest noise I walked forward. I told myself I was brave and could do this. I also had imaginations of creepy monsters, werewolves and coyotes devouring me.

Plunging into the depths led to a facing of fears and a realization of how much I loved the light. Going forward I knew my leader was up there somewhere and I couldn’t wait to get to him. Once there, a feeling of safety and calm returned. When we got back to the cabin, I was so thankful for my flashlight, for light bulbs and electricity. Having faced it once, the next time it wasn’t so bad.

The reality is this, we live in a dark world. It is a fearful and scary place. We are often walk aimlessly down a dark path and fall prey to our fearful imaginations. However we do not need to be crippled by this for we have a leader just ahead of us. Jesus is our Savior and Redeemer and He is the Light of the world! He is the one who brings hope and safety and He calls us to step out in faith and walk in the Light. No matter what are surroundings or how dark it is, when we focus on our leader just ahead, we can overcome anything!

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