Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Lead With A Towel

The coming of Jesus was a rupture in time! It was a disruption that the world has still has not come to terms with, nor will it until He returns. Why? Because He flipped everything upside down, because His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8). Jesus has called us into a love relationship with Him, to be part of His family and calls us kings and priests unto Him. Yet He calls us to serve others as well.

In college I heard one of my profs share the title phrase “Lead With A Towel!” At first it didn’t make sense, but as he began teaching on the example of Jesus it became clear.  Jesus the King of the Universe stooped down and washed the feet of the disciples (John 13:1-20). Jesus exemplified servant leadership, a way of leading that first values those whom you are leading.

In the New Testament we are instructed to consider others better then our selves, to not be selfish, to love our neighbor as ourselves. The problem is we have too much pride. We think we are too important to humble ourselves. We think jobs are below us.

In youth ministry I see many teens who think they are above getting a job at McDonalds or Taco Bell. Instead they sit at home playing video games hoping for a career job with no experience. Bill Gates stated one time “flipping burgers is not beneath anyone!” No job is too small for you, but in this category we are talking about something you get paid to do, servanthood is something you do for free.

Leading with a towel isn’t necessarily literally taking a towel and washing other peoples feet. That just is not a necessary part of our culture. However, looking to help others through their needs. Spiritually this is taking our brothers and sisters in Christ to God to pray on behalf of them. To keep them accountable and help them throw off the bondage of sin. It is being willing to humble yourself to put others before you. The interesting thing is this, when you begin to follow Jesus’ example, others see your life as attractive and want what you have. They want to follow your example. It is here that you can say as Paul says “Follow me as I follow Christ.”

How can you lead with a towel today?

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