Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Serve Like This

Sometimes a Scripture or lesson grips our hearts and sticks with us for years or even the rest of our lives. Do you have one of those?

I’ve often told others of how John 17:3, “and this is eternal life, to know the one true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent,” is my life verse. I chose this verse because of the deep impact it had on me as I read it one day in seminary.

I was reading through John and as I came across verse 3 I remember asking God, “is that it?!” Knowing God is the way to eternal life. Not academic pursuits or missions trips, but developing and intimate relationship of love with Jesus. I was astounded at the simplicity and the accessibility of that truth. It was so simple that anyone could do it.

To be clear, I had been taught proper theology and I had an understanding of the Gospel, but this encounter with the Scripture was like an “ah ha” moment.

Having had an experience like that myself, I pay particular attention to students when they tell me about their own encounter with biblical teachings.

This week in Youth Group, Sam Preston will be teaching a lesson that resonated with a few years ago. I know it has stuck with her because of how she seeks to live it out in her own life. So much to the point that she wants to pass it on to others. And so I am excited to watch her teach others a favorite lesson and topic of hers from John 13.

It was a lesson that will always stick out to me, because it was the first time I ever taught it the way we did. I remember two first time visitors that night. As I was demonstrating how Jesus washed the disciple’s feet, one young man asked, “is this the weirdest thing you guys do here?” I said, “yes it is.” He was like, “Ok” and stuck his feet in the bowl to be washed.

Some church traditions do incorporate foot washings into their calendar and become used to the idea. It is not a normal part of our experience and really stood out to me and our group as something unique and humbling.

I think that was what Jesus was trying to get us to see. The uniqueness and value in humbling ourselves and serving others. It goes against our nature. We want to be served by others, not be the one serving. But Jesus came to serve us and show us what abundant life is all about.

Tonight Sam will revisit this wonderful passage and challenge us to live and act like Jesus. She will show us the humility of Jesus and dare us to imitate Christ in our lives. Pray with me for Sam as she teaches tonight and continues to teach us as she serves Christ in China this summer!

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