Wednesday, March 4, 2015

What Are You Afraid Of?

What’s the scariest thing that has ever happened to you? What are you afraid of? These questions are not only good conversation starters, but often will reveal some very interesting truths about us. Implied in these very question is the reality that all of us fear something, just what is it?

There is something about fear that is both exhilarating and dreadful. It’s exhilarating when your adrenaline is pumping, the endorphins are engaged and you have overcome a fear. This is the natural high that extreme sports participants are seeking. It’s dreadful when the fears are so big that they are crippling and overwhelming.

Some fears will always be exhilarating and others always dreadful. I can remember a time when I was a small child and awoke from an afternoon nap. I couldn’t find anyone and after calling out over and over again, I had the thought that the rapture happened and I missed it! My mom found me an emotional mess, alone and crying.

I can also think of a time when I first rappelled from the top of a 65-foot rock face in New York. Stepping backward over the edge was one of the most terrifying steps I ever took, yet the adrenaline rush was amazing. My body was literally trembling from fear, but the reward was so worth it. Or the time we went cliff diving at Split Rock, jumping from a 45-foot ledge. Scary? Yes! But amazing!

Fears, stressors and anxieties are a regular part of life. How we deal with them will lead to either excitement in overcoming or dread from being overwhelmed. What Jesus did for us by dying and overcoming death, was done to set us free from the power of our fears, stressors and anxieties.

We are told that, “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7). And the amazing reminder from the today’s verse of the day at, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).

One of the most significant times I felt almost crippled by my fear was on a missions trip when I was 19 years old. I signed up for a work trip, but due to rains, it turned into more of an evangelistic trip. No problem with that, except that I was terrified to talk to people about my faith. Yes, it’s true! I had a strong desire to tell others, but my fear kept me silent.

I was assigned to a group with two girls and we went door to door. I opted to let the girls do all the talking and pretended to be the silent prayer warrior. More like the big wimp. We went from house to house and I continued to defer to the ladies. On our way to the house at the end of the street I heard someone say, “I’ll talk at the next house.” I didn’t recognize the voice initially so I looked around for who said it. They all started cheering form and telling me I’d do a good job! It was then I realized that I had said it!! (In retrospect, I think the Holy Spirit prompted me to get out of my comfort zone!)

Long story short, I spoke to an 83-year-old Hindu woman and she accepted Christ as her Savior! And my life was forever changed! God gave me the power to overcome my fear.

God wants you to trust Him with your life and decisions. He wants to empower you to step out of your comfort zone and watch Him do His thing. I promise that stepping out in faith maybe supper difficult but will be the most exhilarating thing you can ever do.

I am a youth pastor today because of that moment that I shared Christ with a stranger and saw Him work in her life. It is worth it all!

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