Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Welcome to LOFT

Tonight we are welcoming up the graduating 6th graders to youth group! I am excited for them to begin to participate in our youth ministry and activities. Tonight’s lesson is really just about who we are as a youth group, what we are all about and what they can expect over the next 6 years of youth group.

What is the Bible? (2 Peter 1:12-21; 2 Timothy 3:16-17)

This may seem like a simple and basic question, but it is one of the most important questions to ask. The answer to this is of ultimate importance and carries eternal consequences. For within the pages of Holy Scripture is the story of God, His revelation to man, His incarnation and redemption. If this Book is not what it claims to be then we are hopeless.

The Bible is a book like no other book. Actually it is not just a book, but a library of books. It is 66 books (39 Old Testament and 27 New Testament) written by over 40 different authors (most of whom never met each other) on 3 continents in 3 different languages over a period of 1500. It speaks to many different topics, yet is in harmony with it’s message and all points to Jesus Christ.

What is It’s Message?

The Bible tells us how God created the world in 6 days. How He created man in His image, with meaning, purpose and value. He created man to be in a relationship with Him, but mankind rebelled against God and brought sin and death into the world. Sin makes us enemies of God and deserving punishment, but God loved us so much that while we were actively sinning against Him, Jesus died for us (Romans 3:23; 5:8). By covering the great cost of our sin, Jesus us offered us new life by following Him. Everyone who trusts in Jesus alone has eternal life that starts now and lasts forever!

What is our response? (Matthew 22:37-40; Matthew 28:18-20)

When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, His response was to love God with everything you are and to love your neighbor as yourself. He said that these are the summary of the Law and the Prophets. That’s a big claim! All the Old Testament can be summarized in this, loving God and caring for others.

Love God

Loft exists to help teenagers connect to Jesus Christ. This is a place will you will hear of the greatness and goodness of God and his love and kindness toward us. We are told that “we love because He first loved us.” If we are to love God we have to know that we are loved by God. We gather to worship God through songs, teachings and small groups. You will learn more about God and why He is worthy of our love and praise here.

Care for His People

Loft exists to help teenagers connect to Jesus Christ and His Church. Jesus did not save you to isolation, but to a community. Jesus said that the world will know we are His disciples by our love for each other. Loft strives to be a group that takes care of each other. You will meet new friends here that will last a lifetime. Our friendship is centered on the cross of Christ and therefore provides a judgment free zone where you feel like you belong.

Communicate His Message

Loft exists to help teenagers connect to Jesus Christ and His Church and to share the Good News with the World. When Jesus saved you, He called you to a mission. In Loft we will challenge you weekly in the Gospel and help you develop the knowledge and skill to share this message with your friends, family and the world. We have local service projects, local missions trips, conferences and even international trips to share the Good News of Jesus to the world. Even as Paul told Philemon “I pray that the sharing of your faith maybe effective in order that you might now the fullness of the goodness we have in Christ Jesus!’

Living Our Faith Together

Just a few years ago we named our youth group Loft and Abby Reichenbach suggested we use the phrase “Living our faith together.” Since that time it has stuck. Loft is a place to come together to learn these truths, to be encouraged by other people your own age who are living it out. We cannot survive on our own. We need each other. The joy I have found in Loft is seeing you become a group that loves Jesus and loves each other. I am so excited to welcome you into this group!

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