Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Shine Differently

Studying the book of Daniel is so rewarding! As a youth pastor, I love that the story starts out with teenagers making decisions to place God first in their life no matter the consequences. Daniel and his friends were God-focused in a me-focused world! The stories at the beginning of the book are great illustrations of standing strong for your faith, impacting those around you and trusting God to deliver you.

The second half of the book of Daniel gets a little more difficult. You start reading about statues, beasts, nations and apocalyptic judgments! It is hard to tell if you are reading the Bible or the latest Sci-Fi story. Some read these chapters and develop very intricate and detailed surmises about the end times. Others just shrug them off as if they already happened. However they are written for our instruction on how to live.

And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever” (Daniel 12:3).

A careful read of Daniel’s prophecies help us see that the wisdom gained from understanding that there is a real judgment and an end to this world will cause us to live in such a way that points many to Jesus, the righteous One. No matter what your speculations about the details of the future, Jesus is coming back to rescue those who place their faith and trust in Him. The Bible gives very clear warnings that you don’t want to get caught unprepared for the end.

The end maybe closer then you even know. I’m not just talking about the return of Jesus, though that could happen any moment, but life is very fragile and we are not guaranteed tomorrow. We just heard today of an explosion in NYC today where latest reports tell us 2 died and 22 were injured. Then there is the missing Malaysian airplane. Life is precious and short, we need to determine what is of ultimate importance and live for that. Daniel and his buddies knew God was the most important and were willing to risk their lives for their belief. 

When you decide what is of first importance your life will testify to your belief. If you choose to follow Jesus, then you will shine brightly for Him and others will glorify God (Matthew 5:16). Following Jesus is the most important decision you can make. Have you trusted Christ alone? Are you following Him?

If you are a follower of Christ, you are His ambassador and need to tell others about His love and free gift for them too. Who are you sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with?

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