Thursday, October 24, 2013


And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming” (1 John 2:28 ESV).

Think back to a time when your parents left you home alone for a significant amount of time. Yeah you remember that time when you were like “ABSOLUTE FREEDOM AT LAST!!!” Making your checklist of all the TV shows your going to watch, movies you want to rent. Eating all the junk food…with no veggies!

Your thinking…party! Oh and of course, finishing the To-Do List they left. The reality is imminent, the question was am I going to be looking forward to their return with joy or a dreaded anticipation. The response really has nothing to do with my parents, but with my choices. If I was obedient and completed my tasks, I would look forward to their return. If I procrastinated with the To-Do list, I would be running around franticly trying to finish and praying they caught all the red lights. Sometimes (and in my case very rare occasions) when I did something I know they wouldn’t approve of, even if I finished the chores I would be filled with dread upon their return.

Why? Because I was sure they would find out what I did and be disappointed in me. The guilt of my decisions would bring a fear into my relationship. I was certain that Fresh Prince was right when he sang about “Parents just don’t understand!” Of course, I often thought I would pull one over on my parents not appreciating their wisdom and understanding.

As I matured I began to see how obedience led to more trust and more freedom. Not only that, but my relationship with my parents became sweeter and filled with more joy.

The Apostle John is writing to believers a reminder that one day the Lord will return and you should desire to look forward to that day with joy! He calls us to “abide” or “remain” in Him. This is the part that really excites me about Christianity. Biblical Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship. Something that can be developed and is intimate and personal.

By spending time abiding in Jesus Christ we gain confidence in Him and look forward to His return. Later on there is a promise that says, “No one who abides in Him keeps on sinning.” Abiding is to develop the friendship with Jesus, to spend time in His Word and learn about Him. It is talking to Him in prayer and growing in prayer. It is understanding that true Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever!

John further describes the reasons we should desire to abide in Him by describing His love for us. He loved us so much that He adopts us into His family, promises one day to makes us like Him and that we will be with Him forever!

Everyday we can choose to live in obedient fellowship with God and have confidence in His presence, or we can indulge our flesh and feel shame before God. Jesus Christ came to put an end to sin, He won the victory on the cross and He rose again to bring new life! Choose today to abide in Him, your eternity is worth it!

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