Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Fun and Regrets...dating series for youth group number 2

****In the wake of a horrible tragedy in Boston, an act of senseless violence that brings more questions then answers, I want to encourage us all to pray for the victims and their families. It is moments like these that I am reminded of how sinful this world really is. We are all in desperate need of a Savior, Jesus Christ, to heal our sinful and wounded hearts with His love. May you be a vessel to carry His love and Good News to somebody this week. “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10)****

I love working with teens! Young, maturing minds that are hungry to know more and grow closer to God. Culture often writes them off as being unruly or immature, but that is only because that is the voiced expectation that has been placed on them. Really they want to be pushed and challenged, yet somehow we fail them and allow the popular norms to permeate their thinking. Many have succumbed to placing a higher value on fun then substance.

Many times the first question I hear when inviting a teen to a youth event is “am I going to have fun?” Or I hear “my son doesn’t want to go to church because it isn’t any fun for him.” Sometimes when I ask a student why they are dating their girlfriend/boyfriend the response is “I don’t know…we are just having fun.”

Everyone likes to have fun, but when fun becomes an ultimate value we begin to idolize it. We will sacrifice substance and values to attain a subjective fleeting value. When fun becomes a motivating factor it leads us to make bad decisions. In dating and relationships, fun can be compelling and exciting but also very destructive.

The fun and excitement of pursuing or being pursued can be intoxicating. Sometimes the fun of it becomes overwhelming and clouds decisions leading to sinful mistakes. For others, the initial excitement begins to wear off and they begin to push the limits to feel the fun and excitement. This leads to an accelerated pace of an already bad situation. What’s next? Teenage pregnancy, STDs, raw emotions, alienation from family, friends and God or at the very least a broken heart.

What happens then? Is a person worthless because they went against God’s plan? No way! One mistake, or many mistakes, does not change the value of you! Yet when someone finds himself or herself in that place they often feel like they deserve to punish themselves by making more mistakes. Others convince themselves that God would never accept them back so they continue in their sin.

It is so important that we understand the truth of the Gospel and share it. When we sin God has provided a way through Jesus Christ to find forgiveness and hope. If we come to God and confess our sins He will forgive (1 John 1:9). Not only that but, through Jesus, He will begin a new work in our hearts. Never let past sins define your future. Confess and turn to Jesus and see what kind of future He has planned for you (Jeremiah 29:11).

When we begin to see life through the lens of the Gospel, we will see that God wants us to have a blessed life that is substantial. He wants us to reflect His glory to the world (Matthew 5:16) and when we do this, we will see that following God is…well, fun I guess, without regrets tied to it!

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