Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Priority in my youth ministry...student teachers

Do you agree or disagree with this statement: “It is always easier to do something yourself then try to get someone to do the same thing for you.” I am the type of person that loves to figure out the best, easiest and fastest ways of doing things. In doing so, I often forget the long form steps and jump right to the shortcuts. Well, shortcuts do not teach well. Often times a task can take two or three times the amount of time trying to show someone else how to do it. It is exactly this task that should be the primary focus of pastoral ministry.

“Catch a fish for somebody and they have a meal, teach them how to fish for themselves and they can eat for a lifetime.” This phrase has so much truth in it because you are investing in the life of someone. Paul told Timothy “and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:2). One person can only do so much, but when you teach others to do it too you multiply yourself and your effectiveness.

This week we are going to have a lesson in youth group on priorities taught by one of my students, Jeremy Roth. It can be risky to give a teenager the opportunity to teach youth group, but it can also be the foundation of great growth. Paul instructs in Ephesians that the ministry of a pastor is to train the “flock” to do “the work of the ministry.” Just because it is easier to do it myself, doesn’t mean that is what I am supposed to do.

Over the past few months I have realized that I need to prioritize the involvement of teens in the youth group ministry here at Lakeside Christian Church. We have seen tremendous growth in our group numerically and in spiritual depth and I attribute the majority of this growth the students involvement in “Take 5” and “Testimony” times.

“Take 5” is where we take 5 minutes to share how God is working in us to reach someone with the Gospel, some ministry we did or how God is teaching us. Each week several teens share something God is doing! It is exciting to hear how God is working in the teens lives, but even more so, teens hear from their peers how to live for Jesus everyday!

“Testimony” time has been giving the teens opportunity to share their “God story” with the group. This is a short story of what they were like before they came to Jesus, how they met Jesus and how Jesus has changed their life. This is an un-coached time where I allow the students to share what is on their heart. I’ve learned so much about each teen who has participated and so has the group. When teens start opening up about real life issues in front of their peers amazing things begin to happen.

And now I am beginning to have teens teach their peers the Bible during lesson time. Several of the students have showed a desire to teach and I am excited to let them do it! It is a priority to allow students to learn how to study the Bible and present what they have learned in a way that challenges other students to pursue Jesus through His Word.

It is because someone was willing take a big risk giving me my first opportunity that I am here today! I hope and pray that the students will be open to finding out what gifts God has given them and how they can use it for God’s glory!

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