Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Gift of Grace - Eph 2:1-10

The school year is starting back up already. Some schools are already back in session, several schools start next week, and home school starts back soon. Last week we talked about priorities and making sure we begin with the BIG things and then find we will have time for the fun things too. It’s important that we see God as the most important thing and begin with a quiet time, prayer, and commitment to church in obedience to God’s Word. 

With the beginning of school often comes anxiety and excitement about the next year. Getting back into a routine of class, homework, and extracurriculars. It can be a lot and overwhelming at times. I thought revisiting the important teachings of God’s Amazing Grace would be a helpful encouragement as school begins. 

School is about learning and meriting. You go to class, you study hard, you take quizzes and tests, you write papers, and then you get a grade. Life is a lot like that too. You work a job, put in the hours, learn new disciplines, and receive a paycheck. Our entire understanding of life, work, school, family, sports, band, theater, and so on, is based on earning what we get. It’s our reality. 

Unfortunately, many think this same merit-based system is how we can earn our salvation. If I just do more good than bad, I will be fine, right? That’s what every world religion essentially teaches, except Christianity. The Bible says you cannot earn your way back to God and you can’t pay for your own sins. Paul describes our situation as being “dead in our trespasses and sins” (Eph 2:1-3). What does a corpse do? Nothing. It can’t because its dead. Spiritually, we were born into sin and therefore we were dead and incapable of doing anything good enough to earn salvation. 

The Good News of Jesus Christ is that Salvation is not based on merit! 

Read Ephesians 2:4-10.

Have you ever been given something you do not deserve? Of course, we all have at different times. Depending on the context will determine the impact of that gift. Receiving gifts at Christmas and birthdays are undeserved, but we tend to expect them and feel entitled to them. Receiving and unexpected and generous gift can be overwhelming and impactful. What is something underserved that you received? What was your response?

In Ephesians, we see that God initiates because of his love for us! He made the spiritually dead souls alive. He opened our blind eyes and our deaf ears. He secured our place in heaven with him one day. Not because of anything we have done or earned, but because of his GRACE. Grace is “unmerited favor,” or “unearned love.” It’s an unconditional love freely given by God to those who believe! It’s based on the finished work of Christ. Some have defined it God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. 

We receive the grace of God through faith. What is faith? Faith is not a work, it’s a belief. It is trusting that Jesus is who he says he is, he has done what he said he would do, and he will do what he promises to do. Jesus is the Son of God, who died on the cross for our sins, was buried, and rose again. He offers forgiveness of sins and new life in the power of the Holy Spirit. He promises to return one day, put an end to sin and death, and make all things new as we live with him for eternity. 

By placing your faith in Jesus Christ, you are made alive with him and your new life begins now and lats forever. Salvation is not about what you have done but what Jesus has done. Jesus gets the glory for redeeming us and changing us. We receive the blessings of his finished work and continual work (Phil 1:6). 

But Jesus doesn’t just save us for heaven one day, he has plans for our here-and-now life. Read verse 10 again. God has a purpose, and a plan prepared for you to walk in. As you grow in the love of Christ you will begin walking like Christ and see what God is doing in and through you. As school begins, think of some goals to set to be Christ in your school, in your workplace, in you neighborhood, and in your home.

One more thought about the Amazing Grace of God, some maybe stressing over grades, status, or paychecks, but in Christ you are redeemed, you are secure, and you are chosen by God for a plan. In all the stresses of life, trusting Jesus makes your eternity secure and following Jesus is the way of abundant life (John 10:10). You can rest in his love knowing that he has brought you from death to life and holds your place with him for all of eternity!

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