Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Back to School - Be Courageous

Joshua 1:7–9

"7 Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go. 8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (ESV)

How can it be that summer is over and it is time to go back to school? As much as we try to extend our summer break, before we realize it the days get shorter, vacations are over, sports started, and now it is time to go back to school. Some may be excited about classes, learning, and extracurriculars. Others are full of anxieties concerning the new year: where are the classes located, will my friends be in my class, whose locker is next to mine, will I be bullied, will I be accepted, will I pass, and so many more.

The new school year brings new opportunities and new fears. Consider what you are packing in your backpack. Do you have all the supplies you need for your class? Are you going in prepared for the days and weeks ahead? I am sure you are thinking that I am talking about notebook paper, #2 pencils, class schedule, and textbooks. Those are definitely important for your school day.

As a Christian, are you packing your bag daily with the foundational things to give you courage as you step into the new school year? What promises of God are you holding on to? What commands are you obeying? Are you spending time in His Word to prepare you for your day? 

Read Joshua 1 and pay special attention to verses 7-9.

Joshua was facing a new beginning as the appointed leader of Israel. He was charged with leading the nation into a new land. Do you think he was anxious? We know that Joshua was a brave and faithful follower of Moses. However, being a confident follower and being the leader are different. Now Joshua was being instructed to take the lead.

When we read what God told Joshua and how God affirmed and reminded him to be courageous, not once but three times. Do not be discouraged, be courageous. With the command to be courageous, God issues 7 promises: I have given you v3, I will be with you v5, I will not leave or forsake you v5, you will cause the inheritance v6, make your way prosperous v8, you will have good success v8, God is with you wherever you go v9.

As a coach, when I try to inspire my team to execute the plays we developed, I will remind them of the command and couple it with positive reinforcement. I want my players to step out on the court in confidence knowing that I put them out there for a reason. God is coaching Joshua to become a great leader, calming his anxious thoughts and reinforcing courage.

Anxiety is focusing on the possibility of what could go wrong. Joshua had reasons to be anxious about leading the people of Israel. Afterall, they pledged to follow Joshua and obey him as they obeyed Moses (vv. 16-17). Their “obedience” to Moses led them to craft a golden calf, wander for 40 years in the wilderness, and provoke Moses in anger to strike the rock, to name a few. You could understand Joshua being anxious.

Joshua was human, like you and me, and he certainly had normal fears of undertaking a great task. God met him where he was, called him to do something great, and then spent several verses telling him to be courageous and how to be courageous. What a kind and amazing God that he would affirm and build up the one he has called.

Sometimes we get this picture of God being a God who demands and commands things and is unconcerned with our daily life and our mental state. But this passage clearly shows that God is intimately involved with His people and knows what His servant needs to hear to motivate him to faithfully following God in a courageous way. 

God may not be calling you to lead a nation (maybe someday He will), but He is calling you to be a faithful follower this school year. Let’s briefly look at how we can follow Joshua’s lead in being courageous for Christ.

How to be Courageous:

1. Have faith in God who has called you. (v7, 9)

In order to have godly courage, you have to believe that God exists and that He will reward your faithfulness (Heb. 11:6). God’s call comes with a directive, to be trust Him and believe that He knows what He is doing. God is bigger than your classes, your homework assignments, your extracurriculars, your friend groups, your bullies, etc. Jesus came to this world so that you could know Him and believe in Him. Belief is a powerful tool to pack in your bag. 

2. Obey God. (v7, 8)

Keeping God’s commandments is not optional. When God has revealed His truth to you, you are responsible for keeping it. Jesus came to give us abundant life (John 10:10) and it is only in following in His footsteps that we will experience life to the full, life the way God intended it to be. Disobedience is trying to take a shortcut to reap the benefits, but it will only lead to frustration and devastation later. Obedience is not the way you earn salvation, that comes by faith (Eph. 2:8-9). Obedience is how you demonstrate that you are saved and that you do trust God. 

3. Keep your focus. (v7, 8, 9)

There are so many distractions to draw us away from Jesus. Even good things can become a distraction from the courageous Christian life. Good grades demonstrate disciplined study and learning but can become an idol. Sports are fun and a good source of exercise, but they can become an idol. Friends are a source of companionship and encouragement, but they can become an idol. Whatever distracts your focus from being obedient to God is an idol. 

4. Spend time in the Bible daily. (v7, 8)

You must read God’s Word to hear His voice. You need to prioritize your time with Him so that you know what promises He has for you and how you can follow Him. As the leader of the nation, Joshua was commanded to read God’s Word to know and not forget what God had for Him. In Deut. 17 God commands the future kings of Israel to write out a copy of the Bible for themselves so they could read from it daily and not forget what God has prepared for them. If you are a follower of Christ, you are a Royal Priesthood unto God (1 Pet. 2:9), that means you too need to be in the Word of God daily so that you know what God has for you. The Word of God is not just about dos and don’ts. It is full of the promises of God, reminders of His will, and how you can stay in a right relationship with Him. It also reminds you that He has given you His Spirit to empower you to obedience.

5. Remember that God is with you. (v9)

Remembering that God is with you is the biggest motivator to being courageous. You are never alone. God will never leave you. He will not forsake you (Heb. 13:5). When you realize you have not been obedient, God is not going to leave you or forsake you. Instead, confess your sin and disobedience and receive His forgiveness (1 John 1:9) and then follow Him. God knows you better than you know yourself and He will be faithful to you even when you struggle to be faithful to Him. The more we realize that God is present in our daily life, the more we will live in obedience and enjoy His presence. God has your back!

Dear Christian, remember that Jesus has provided the only way to God through faith in His finished work on the cross. Because of Jesus in your life, God delights in you and desires you to delight in Him. As we enjoy God’s presence in our life, we can live courageously knowing He is there and will empower us to obey Him. If you want God to bless your school year, to give you courage daily, and enjoy His presence, you only need to turn to Him and pack these 5 commands in your bag. 

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