Monday, July 10, 2023

Mexico Trip update - Casa Ebenezer

(Editors Note: I type from memory and can miss a few points. I will update and correct anything I missed. Like yesterday's post I used the wrong name for the church. I apologize if I miss something, I will try to correct it as soon as possible)

Luke 4:18-19

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Casa Ebenezer

(Two years ago, Casa Ebenezer looked like this)

Today we headed out to the property where Casa Ebenezer (C.E.) is being built. The building they have on the land will be used for office space and Gaby and Vero’s home when C.E. is up and running, but for now it will be used for office space and storage. When we first arrived, we walked down to the well and learned about how God provided water for this property.

C.E.’s well story happened before Casa Abba’s and really provided a testimony of God’s faithfulness to encourage Jocsan and Kayla as they went through a similar struggle at Casa Abba. I wish you all could hear Gaby share the story, but the long and short is that God led them to dig a well. They dug it deep and there was no water. They hit bedrock, and there was no water. Gaby was prepared to turn the whole into a septic tank if they never found water, but prayed and prayed that God would provide. And God did provide. The water came up out of a spring in the rock and it has never gone dry. During the recent drought, neighbors’ wells went dry, but not C.E.’s. So they pumped out water and put it in barrels to help bless their neighbors.

Tonight, our group was talking, and Emma brought up the two stories and how amazing it is to hear testimony of God’s provisions. Mariska mentioned how important the well is to them and how different things are from home. David brought up the fact that God blesses those who will, in turn, bless others. The truth is that when you preserver in faith, not giving up even when things get desperate, God will use you to bless others around you. But when you give up too soon, you miss the blessing God intended and others miss being blessed by your blessing.  

After the testimony of the well, we gathered to hear Gaby share his testimony and the story of C.E. Again, you really need to come down and hear Gaby share his story. Whatever I write here will not do justice to the story God has written in brother Gaby’s life. As he spoke, his words moved each of us to tears. Tears of sorrow to hear the brokenness and grief he had to experience, and tears of joy to hear of God’s rescue and restoration. Gaby grew up without a father and his mother could not financially support him. He asked his mom who his father was and she said he had no father. Then she replied, “Gaby you do have a father, a Heavenly Father, who you could call Father or God. He’s rich and he can take care of you.” These words left an impression on Gaby that would come back to him years later when he was in desperate need.

When his mother could no longer afford to care for him, Gaby had to find a new home. He lived with a family for a little while, but they were abusive, and he had no one to protect him. Soon, Gaby took to the streets and began using alcohol and drugs to cope. He spent some time and jail and then back to the streets. Life was so hard and overwhelming, he just wanted to die. He made plans to take his life, but on his way he began to pray, blaming God, at first, for how hard his life was. “God you are not good, you are not powerful, you do not keep your promises. Why is my life so hard?” Yet during the prayer, God reminded him of his mother’s words those many years ago. “Gaby, you do have a father and his name is God.” Gaby’s heart began to change and he wanted to know more.

A Christian man began talking to Gaby and showed him love. He invited Gaby over to his house for lunch one day. Gaby sat down at their table with them and realized that was the first time he had sat down for a family meal. When it was time to go, the gentleman asked Gaby if he had a place to go, “yes, I have a place,” he said while his head lowered a bit. The man asked again, “Gaby, do you have a place to stay?” “Yes, I have a house to stay,” he said while his head lowered even more. The man came to him, lifted Gaby’s head, and said, “if you don’t have a place to stay, you can stay here.” “You mean it?!” “Yes, you can have a room here, a place to stay, but there are rules.”

Gaby moved in with this man and the man discipled him in the way of Christ and helped him overcome his addiction to alcohol and drugs. He helped Gaby become the man of God he is today! Gaby is a wonderful man who is so happy, kind, and caring. He is a visionary who has a plan he believes in and trusts God to make it happen. Gaby had a vision shortly after his conversion and deliverance, that one day he would like to help men who were on the streets find freedom and deliverance as he had. A place where they were loved and the belong. This is what Casa Ebenezer is to become, a ministry to men who are overcoming addiction and want to be followers of Christ, godly men, good husbands, and good fathers. 

Gaby is a testimony of God’s goodness. He is a husband and a father. Lela mentioned how amazing it is to see him with his kids, knowing he did not have a good example growing up. His is a story of the transforming power of the Gospel. It is the same Gospel that can transform your life too. 

As Gaby was talking, the cool of the morning was escaping and the painting was not getting done. (Leave it to an American to be thinking about the tasks) I couldn’t help but think about the painting we were going to do, but how good it was for the team to hear this story. Tasks can be done anytime, but transformation comes at God appointed times. When we get too busy with life, we miss what God is doing. Mariska was talking about how nice it was to have a slower pace here and allow things to come together, rather than the normal rushed pace. It is in these moments that holy things happen. Gaby’s story will be a part of our lives forever.


We did start painting! Gaby chose purple for the exterior paint and yellow for the interior paint. We split the team in two and got busy painting. I am so proud of the effort and attitude of our team! They worked hard. They worked together. They persevered through some hot weather, and so much got done today. We will go back tomorrow to do the top floor. 


We took a break for lunch around 1:30PM. Vero (Gaby’s wife Veronica) cooked beans and corn tortillas over an open fire on site. Wow! Delicious food! What a blessing Vero is to our team, tirelessly cooking for our team with love and care. We are so blessed!

Back to work to finish up some walls. While we were nearing the end of the day, a neighbor gentleman was leaving and started talking to me in broken English. He was hard to follow, and we talked in circles. I tried to talk to him about Jesus, but he dismissed it. Kayla came over to help translate, but quickly realized that this man was drunk. You see, he is a man that Gaby has been working with and offered him a job on the construction site (it is a separate job than what our team is doing). He came for the morning, took a long break, and tried to come back drunk. Gaby has rules, so he sent him home. It is tough to see this, but thank God for Gaby, who knows firsthand the struggles, and has compassion and knowledge of what it takes to overcome. The man is welcomed back to work if he comes back sober. I don’t remember his name, but please pray for him. Gaby is working with two neighbors right now, trying to disciple them through alcoholism. C.E. isn’t even built yet, and Gaby is already at work!


This evening we had tacos for dinner, then headed out for elote (Mexican street corn), ice cream, and souvenir shopping. Our group was tired, but I made them sit together to share before going to bed. I have used their remarks throughout this post and I am thankful for their insights. I am hoping to capture more tomorrow! Have a good night!

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