Have you ever experienced someone try to leverage love or
friendship to manipulate you? From something small like an old friend trying to
use your friendship to get you to buy something, to something much riskier and
bolder like a trusted friend trying to get you to compromise your beliefs.
On some level, we have all experienced this. How do I know?
Well, we are all humans after all. It’s pretty common for us to try and
manipulate others. The more we seek control, the more we are willing to utilize
the various tactics to get people to do what we want. From the time we were
little kids trying to get our siblings to give us the toy they are playing
with, we learn how to leverage our relationships with others.
Though effective at times, they are not true expressions of
love. The hope is that we begin to learn what is healthy and what is not
healthy ways to demonstrate friendship and love.
There is nothing worse than realizing that someone is trying
to control you and manipulate you. It’s in that moment that you begin to
question their friendship or love for you. Was the whole conversation really
about getting me to buy something, or is there truth to wanting to reconnect?
Does he really love me or did he just want to use my body? Do they truly want
to hang out with me or just want to play xbox on my parent’s 80’ TV?
I once received a phone call from a person who used to
attend my church years ago and whose son was in youth group. I missed the call
but there was a wonderful message left on my voicemail. Something like, “Hi pastor Brad! This is….and I just wanted
you to know that God placed you on my heart recently and I wanted to pray for
you and just let you know that I miss you. I was hoping we could reconnect
soon. Have a wonderful day.”
I honestly was so excited to receive the call and called
this person back as soon as I could. Only to find out that they had a business
venture they wanted me to sign up for. Not saying this person doesn’t really
love me, but I felt the message was deceitful. I would have preferred a message
like this: “Hi Brad, I have a business
proposition for you with this company…Call me back if you are interested.” I
may not have called back, but at least it was a trustworthy statement.
At the core of who we are, we want to know if someone is
being truthful in our relationships with us. And when they are not, we either
enter denial and try to preserve the relationship, or we become cynical and
skeptical about others.
The apostle John, out of deep love for the believers, wrote
to them warning them that there are “truth claims” out there that are seeking
to manipulate and pull them away from the truth. Deceptive lines that sound
good, but are misleading them.
Just like it is important in our human relationships for
truth in love, it is of utmost importance that we know that God’s love is
always true, but there is an enemy who wants to convince people that they are “good
with God” but in reality, are believing lies.
1 John 4 tells us that God has given the Holy Spirit to
those who believe in Jesus Christ, and He (the Holy Spirit) will guide them
into all truth. John warns that there are false prophets and teachers saying
things that sound good but are not biblical. Therefore, we need to test the
things that we hear against the Word of God and allow the Spirit of God to
bring discernment.
Here is a simple test. Which of these phrases are consistent
with the Word of God?
We are all God’s children.
God just wants us to be happy.
Christians should judge others.
God helps those who help themselves.
God will never give you more than you can
When you die, God gains another angel.
That’s enough for now. Circle the ones you think are
biblical. At the bottom of the blog will be the answer key.
How did you do?
Some of those are widely held to and yet have some major
consequences. The ultimate danger is one of these teachings leads us away from
Jesus Christ and our need for Him. The first and most important evidence that
something is truthful is an acknowledgement that Jesus Christ is who He says He
is and has done what He said He would do.
God wants us to be investigators of the truth. To weigh
everything according to His Word. God is a God who delights in showing His
children the truth, so seek it out. The more you are in the Word of God and
abide with God the more you will be led by the Holy Spirit.
It is in cultivating this love for God that you will sincerely
know you are loved in truth. God loves you and has demonstrated His love for
you in the person of Jesus Christ. He has given you the Holy Spirit so that you
are not on your own to test the spirits.
The Holy Spirit will lead you into discerning the truth and
will give you other faithful believers who will seek the truth with you. Let us
continually look to Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith.
Be watchful, for there are even some who claim to be pastors
and Christians who are teaching lies. Be like the Berean Christians who
searched the Scriptures daily to see if what is said is consistent with the
Key: Consistent with God’s Word – 3. Inconsistent with God’s Word – 1, 2, 4, 5,
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