Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Do You Believe the Bible?

Open up Facebook or Twitter, or turn on the news, or talk radio and you will be inundated with political chatter. Most of it garbage. I don’t like putting too much of my thoughts about the election cycle out there because it will just add to the noise. Everyone is saying who you should vote for or why it’s the “Christian” vote for this candidate or the other. Or WikiLeaks comes out with the latest dirt on how your candidates have been lying to you all this time.

It’s exhausting really. Whom can I trust? What is the source I can go to that is reliable and informative, but not manipulating me? It is a time of uncertainty and the candidates that have risen to the top don’t seem to be trustworthy.

It’s in times like these that we who are truly Christians need to remember our foundation: The Bible. God’s Word is not the word of some politician who is campaigning for your vote. They make promises to you that are lies, tell you what you want to hear and obfuscate the truth. Their tract record is unsavory and demonstrates one moment they say one thing and the next moment they flipped sides. They cannot be trusted.

But if we can’t trust our political leaders, why can we trust God and His Word?

What is the Bible to you? Do you believe it to be God’s inspired Word? What does that even mean?

God’s Word is not man’s word, it is different. It’s unique. It’s eternal.

The Bible is a collection of books, a library of 66 books. It has been written by over 40 different authors, most of whom never met each other, in 3 different languages (Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic), on 3 different continents (Africa, Asia and Europe) over a period of 1,500 years.

And even though it is over 2,000 years old, the topics contained within its pages are as relevant today as they were when they were first penned. The Bible is God’s message to us, the Creator telling us the “WHY” behind creation. In its pages we understand our deepest problems and our greatest needs. We are told of the ONLY source of hope and the ONLY answer to our problems. We find the way to reconcile with our Creator and the power and strength to live.

Not only that, but the book comes with a promise that if you read it, study it and believe it you will encounter the Author, Jesus Christ Himself. The Bible is not some religious propaganda that is full of fluff and empty statements, but is the very Light we need to navigate the murky waters of our everyday.

Thus the Psalmist writes,  

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
Psalm 119:105

Turn to the Word of God today, trust in what God says. Do not place your trust in a broken political system, trust in Jesus and allow His light to guide your path.

(Why You Can Believe the Bible by Voddie Bauchman)

I first heard Voddie preach this sermon in 2006 and I found it as helpful today as I did then. Check it out, it is worth your time.

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