Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Develop and Attitude of Gratitude

Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:14-18; Psalm 7:17; Hebrews 12:28

Do you consider yourself a happy or unhappy person? We all want to be happy. Isn’t that the American way, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?” But what really is happiness? What makes you happy?

Interesting enough, in people’s pursuit of happiness they end up unhappy. I just read an article about “22 Habits of Unhappy People” which listed complaining, worrying, grudges, and negative thinking along with some other habits. Compared to another article called “21 Habits of Happy People” that recorded appreciate life, forgive, gratitude, and optimism in it’s list. It makes sense that the opposite habits of unhappy people would lead to happiness.

One thing that stands out to me is the attitude of gratitude. Unhappy people are unthankful, complainers, who allow negative thoughts to rule their focus on life. Happy people are grateful for life and thankful people.

As it is now November and in just a few short weeks we will be celebrating Thanksgiving, I want to focus on the happy people’s habit of thankfulness. When Jesus Christ came he told us that we have an enemy who is seeking to destroy life, but He came to give us abundant life (John 10:10). One could say that he came to give us a happy life. Not a fleeting emotional reaction to a surprise or victory, but a deep sense of perspective on life.

The Good News of Jesus Christ is the ground for our happiness and our gratitude. As followers in Jesus Christ we should be the most grateful and happy people on the planet. As new creations (1 Corinthians 5:17) we should becoming creatures of gratitude. Thanksgiving should flow from our lips continually as we reflect on our God.

How do we develop a thankful heart? Remember who you are, where you came from and what God was willing to do for you. We need to gain perspective on our life. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, then you have all you need to live a happy grateful life everyday, no matter the circumstances.

The Gospel is the key to thankfulness. Remember you were, or are, dead in your trespasses and sins. Unable to do anything to earn God’s favor and destined to a real place called hell.  There is no good thing we can do to earn God’s favor, there is no ritual that will make us pure, there is nowhere we can go to escape our condition. Yet God, in His great love for us, sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to live a perfect life as a human. Jesus lived in complete fulfillment of the Law of God, which we could not do, and He was willing to be a sacrifice for our sins. He went to the cross and shed His blood for you and me, was buried and three days later He rose again from the dead! In conquering death He has offered a free gift of salvation, forgiveness of sins and a relationship with God, to all those who trust in Him alone. He gave us the promised Holy Spirit to be with us and help us in life. With this promise is that all things are working together for our good.

As we focus on the Gospel, we should realize that we are undeserving people who have received the greatest gift we could ever imagine. How could we not be thankful? Everyday, every situation and every circumstance we are in is an opportunity to see how God is working the Gospel out in our lives. We should be thankful for His kindness and His goodness.

Check your attitude each day. Are you being thankful? Make a list of how God has displayed His kindness and goodness to you specifically. Praise the Lord for these things regularly. Keep God as your focus today and watch how your attitude changes. The commands God has given us are for our good and it doesn’t surprise me that many of the habits of the happy people are consistent with them. In reality, if you want to be happy and thankful, fix your eyes on Jesus!

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