Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Strategy for Success

The bell rings and you hustle to homeroom. The day is beginning and you barely remember getting out of bed. Another day in a mundane routine where you feel like you are just another robot on the assembly line of school. Show up to class, do most of your homework, study, behave and go home, that’s all you got to do. Sure there are momentary highlights of hanging with friends over lunch or a couple of cool teachers, but in reality you feel trapped in a prison. The pressure to fit in, to wear the right clothes, to not say something stupid, or just not to stand out too much so you can make it through the halls without getting picked on.

The reality is that going to school is a battleground. Every day is a fight to survive. Yet this is barely surviving, it can be miserable most of the time. Nothing is worse then feeling like you are going through the motions. Nobody likes the status quo, although it doesn’t rustle any feathers. Barely surviving school is unacceptable. It is the result of living life without direction or purpose.

As believers we should never just survive, but we should thrive. We should live everyday on purpose. We don’t have to develop some new strategy, we just have to obey the one Jesus gave to us in His Word. Love God, care for people and communicate His message to the world!

Everyday you have the opportunity to walk onto your school campus on mission for the One true God. Your school is a mission field with hundreds of kids who do not know who Jesus Christ is. Why do we think it is okay to just show up and survive the day?

The Mission Field

The kid sitting next to you whom you think hates you is a jerk because he is hurting. His parents got in a fight a few weeks ago, his dad left and he doesn’t know if he is ever coming back. That girl is always seeking attention from boys because she is trying to mask the pain of abuse she received last year. That other kid who reeks of pot is trying to numb the pain of being unwanted by his parents. The girl wearing a long sleeved sweater on a 90 degree day to cover the scars from cutting because she just wants to feel something. Each of them is crying out to be noticed, to be loved to have a purpose.

This is what God has called you to do, take His love to the hurting. You are to REPRESENT Christ in your school. You are to live on mission everyday. You are the representative of hope these students who are hurting. What are you doing about it?

Do you want this year to be the most exciting and rewarding school year ever? Live on mission and REPRESENT Jesus every day! Do you want to find purpose in every day? REPRESENT! Do you want to encourage your teachers, administrators and coaches? REPRESENT! Do you want to see fellow students transformed for all eternity? REPRESENT!

WARNING: REPRESENTing is not for the faint of heart. It is the most exciting, thrilling and challenging way to live. Jesus said it is ABUNDANT LIFE! Yet it is costly. You could be made fun of. You could lose friends. You maybe thought of as unpopular. Or you could see your friends come to Christ. You could see that pothead in heaven one day. Whatever happens we can be assured that “the suffering of this present time cannot be compared to the glory to come!” (Romans 8:18).

What is your strategy to RERESENT?

Read: Acts 1:8; Romans 12:2; Matthew 5:16; 2 Peter 1:3-11

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