the next four weeks, in preparation for Camp, we will be looking at the Meta-narrative (or Big Picture) of the
Bible. The Big Story of God has four movements: Creation, Fall, Redemption and
Restoration. These four movements are the dramatic unveiling of God’s
redemptive plan and provide the foundation we are to build our lives and faith
on. Too often we try to piece together our lives according to an understanding
of God divorced from the context of His revealed purpose and plan. The end
result is we create God into our image instead of us being the image bearers of
we create an idol that we are comfortable with because we are the stars in our
own story. However, understanding God’s redemptive meta-narrative we will see that we play a supporting role, not the
lead, in His Story. The Story is about Him and when understood and told
properly we see The Story is Good News and revolutionary to how we view
everything. If what the Bible tells us about Creation is true, then it will
affect how we see ourselves, how we view relationships, how we look at the
poor, how we understand hot topics (like sex before marriage, homosexuality,
abortion, racism etc.). If what the Bible says is true about the Fall, then it
will shape our view of our human condition and our desperate need for a hero.
If what the Bible says is true about Redemption then it brings hope to our
desperate need, and assurance of better things to come. If what the Bible says
is true about Reconciliation, then we begin to live lives today that enjoy the
presence of Jesus and long for the day that He restores all things.
Creation – The Beginnings
live in an era where modern myths rule the day as truth and shape the direction
of our entire culture. When I use the word “myth,” I am referring to the
philosophical meaning of “a sacred narrative explaining how the world and
humankind have taken their present form.” Myths can be good and combine
elements of truth to paint the picture of where we came from and where we are
heading. Every people group throughout history has myths that have been passed
down for generations.
by evolution I mean macro-evolution and not micro-evolution, is a modern myth,
a sacred narrative. Yes that is what I meant to say. Evolution is a religious
claim. It is not based in true science, but in speculative science. It is a
faith based religious slant on science.
Evolution that is being taught in our schools and colleges are teaching
a scientific hypothesis that is contrary to established scientific laws as
truth. It is a faith-based claim that attempts to explain the formation of our
world and answer where we come from. Yet it is taught as fact and not as
theory. It is presented as the only rational way of thinking and any other
faith claim as ludicrous.
In the Beginning…
these words, the Holy Scriptures, begin to answer the questions of origin,
meaning and purpose. The Bible is not just a myth like the others, it claims to
be divine rather then human in origin. It presents the beginning as if it was
from an eyewitness account, because it was. According to the Bible, God created
the world in 6 literal days. He spoke the world into existence, out of nothing,
demonstrating His sovereign power. All through His creation He left breadcrumbs,
little clues, for us to see whom He is, that He is a creative designer and a God
of intelligence and order.
parts of creation were a result of His spoken word, with the exception of
humans. When it came to creating man, God decided to get dirty and form man
with His own hands out of the dust of the ground. He breathed His own breath
into man, creating an embodied spirit, a creation that is both physical and
spiritual. Not only that, He created him to be relational with the decree “it
is not good that man is alone,” and so He created for him a “helpmeet.” God
made a compliment to Adam in Eve.
with the creation of humankind, God gave us the pattern for healthy life. He
established marriage between a man and a woman. He made two sexes, not left to
be determined by social constructs, but as part of the creative order. He instituted
marriage as the primary building block of civilization.
The Garden
completing the apex of His creation in humanity, God put our first parents in a
garden. The garden was where they were to fulfill the order and rules
established for them. They were to tend the garden, multiply and not eat of the
forbidden Tree of Knowledge of Good an Evil.
great would it be to really only have three general rules to live by? In the
garden there was no pain, sorrow, disease or even sunburn. Adam and Eve
frequently walked and talked with their Creator in the midst of His most
beautiful creation. It was perfect as God intended. Yet the Shalom, peace, they had was going to be
short lived, but that’s where the story picks up next time.
The Picture
Just for fun: I thought this video clip from the new movie Noah was pretty good, with a few exceptions. However, I loved how he told his children that this is the story that his family was given to protect and pass on to future generations. I love how he sat down with his family and told the story. I love how the imagery of creation paints a great picture for us of the order of creation.
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