Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Imago Dei - I Got You


Several years ago, we were on an after-camp canoe trip. Annually we would go down to the Mohican river with 50-60 students between our churches and spend the day floating down 7 miles of the river. 

As was my custom, I made sure everyone had a partner, life jacket, paddle and canoe. Once they were all in the river, I would follow the group and make sure they were alright. 

This particular year, another leader was my canoeing partner and we started last. We didn’t get very far until we came upon a couple of students who were new to canoeing. They had no clue what was going on and could not steer the canoe. It was a mix of paddling in circles, paddling upstream instead of downstream, and running into the bank of the river several times. 

In the midst of the paddling chaos, the mood went from giggles and laughter, to frustration and even some fear of never making it. After some coaching and instructions, it became clear that their only hope was to switch partners.

Fortunately, the leader I was with was a strong paddler and so was I. We each took a student in the front of the canoes and began paddling the remaining 6.5 miles. I did want to teach the student how to canoe, but I didn’t need them to paddle. I promised the student I would get them safely home and they could help if they would do what I said. 

In reality, every time they put their paddle in the water, they were fighting me and making things more difficult at times. But I patiently instructed them and helped them learn the proper way, so at times they were in cooperation with me. Other times, I told them to just take a break and enjoy the ride, “I got you!” 

In many ways, this story reminds me of our spiritual reality. We were created in God’s Image and capable of creating and reflecting God in many ways. Yet sin came in and brought confusion and disruption to our understanding of ourselves and our capabilities. 

Essentially we are the students who, having no prior experience, think we can live life on our own. Yet we keep spinning in circles, going the wrong way and bumping into everything. We might enjoy it at first, laugh at ourselves for a while, but soon frustration and fears take over. 

The Good News is that Jesus came along and invites us into His canoe. He tells us, “I got you!” He patiently tells us the ways to cooperate with Him and paddle in concert with Him, but we mess up over and over again. Yet, He never gives up on us and promises to bring us safely home. 

What we don’t realize, is that He is slowly and steadily helping us become more like Him. He is restoring the Image of God in us to its fullness, where we can reflect His glory more and more. 

Romans 8:29
For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. 

Here we read that God has a plan and purpose for His people, to conform them to the image of Jesus. Whose doing the work here? God is! Your transformation is not up to you, it’s God’s work! He bears the responsibility and He will continue this work (Phil 1:6).

Now, this doesn’t mean we should always sit back and let Him paddle in life. We should learn to orchestrate our paddling in concert with Him. This is called obedience. We don’t work for our salvation, we work from our salvation. As we increasingly improve slowly, we will receive the joy of experiencing God work in and through us. 

Jesus takes great joy in restoring His image in you!

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Imago Dei - Be like Christ


Hebrews 1:3
Jesus is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. 

Who do you aspire to be like? Why would you want to be like them? 

In the early 90’s, there was a Gatorade commercial showing clips of Michael Jordan’s basketball highlights accompanied by the song, “I want to be like Mike.” Simple tune and lyrics, but powerful message.

Michael Jordan was once in a generation athlete, definitely one of the greatest players of all time. As a kid, I wanted to play like him, as did so many of my friends. Yet we never became basketball players like Mike and there isn’t enough Gatorade in the world to make me as good as Mike. 

But many pursued basketball because of him and some have gone on to play in the NBA. Why? Because admiration and emulation are very powerful motivations.

That’s why I ask the question, who do you aspire to be like? Who gives you drive to improve? 

There may be a professional in your career that you want to be like. Maybe a mentor or instructor. In recent months, it has become evident that many put their hopes in politicians and political agendas. Some of that is good, but all of these are limited and we cannot be like them. We are not all gifted the same, nor do we have the same passions. 

Yet, we are all created in the Image of God. That is part of our DNA, the very core of our existence. Since the Fall, in Genesis 3, that image has been tainted, but not removed. The deepest longing of our hearts, whether we know it or not, is to have that image restored to its fullness (Eccl 3:11; John 10:10). 

The thing about aspiring to have the Image of God restored, is that it was what God created us to be, therefore it is possible for us to be reconciled. Like I said above, there is not enough Gatorade to turn me into Michael Jordan, however God has provided a way for us to have the image restored in Jesus Christ. 

Jesus is the exact imprint of God’s image; He is the perfect image bearer of God. 

Colossians 1:15–20
15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. 17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. 19 For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. 

The perfect image of God came to bring healing and wholeness to the marred image of God in each of us. It is in a growing, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ that we will find what we were created to be, image bearers.

Emulation is the highest form of praise we can give someone. That commercial was praising Michael Jordan. As a child, I would put on my dad’s shoes, jacket and hat and pretend to be him. Why? Because I loved him, admired him and wanted to be like him…I may not put on his clothes today, but I still want to be like him.

It’s no different as a Christian. To be a Christian is to be a Christ Follower. In order to be a follower, you have to imitate Christ, do what He says, and listen to his teaching. Not out of obligation, but out of love. 

Love Jesus with all your heart, admire Him, seek to be with Him and like Him. That is the guaranteed way of restoring the Image of God in our lives. It’s a process that starts today and will continue our entire lives, only to be completed in heaven.

Heaven is the hope we have that we will be with Jesus and will be made like Jesus (1 John 3:2). Aspire to be like Jesus! Sing, “I want to be, I want to be like Christ!” May he be your motivation and may His promises be your strength.