Wednesday, November 18, 2015

3 Steps to Stop Worrying

Paris terrorist attacks, ISIS, ISIL (whichever you want to call them), GOP Debates, Democratic debates, presidential elections, Syrian refugees, and the list goes on. The national news headlines are loaded with many topics that could cause fear and worry.

Then there are the personal things we deal with. Grades, tests, mid-terms, job, does he/she like me, is my next pay check going to cover the bills etc. Or what about the future? Am I going to get married, can we have kids, will I get the job, will we still have Social Security when I retire?

The purpose of this post is not to cause you to worry more, but to realize that we worry about everything. Worrying is a problem and it steals away our life. Jesus said that the enemy of our souls has come to steal, kill and destroy but He has come to give us life (John 10:10).  If worry steals our life, it must be from the enemy.

The Problems with Worrying

A brief search on Google about worry will lead you to WebMD or even Harvard Health Publication and you will learn a lot about the effects of worry. I hesitate to list them because some of you will just worry about the effects of worry all the more. Yet we often don’t realize that allowing worry to rule in our heart and mind dramatically affects our body.

Worry is the emotional response to fear or stress. Often initiating the “fight or flight” burst of adrenaline. When we worry we allow our hormones to stay in a heighten state and this adversely affects our body. God designed our body with hormones to help us through various stages, events and trials. But we were not designed to stay in a heightened state.

Worrying can lead to anxiety issues, panic attacks, problems sleeping and digesting food, just to name a few. You were not created to worry about everything.

You see we are physical and spiritual beings, created in God’s image. When our spirit is upset it will affect our body. Learning to deal with worry in a biblical way will help to bring healing to your spirit and your body.

Steps to Worry Less

1.     Shift your Focus

When we worry, most often we are obsessing about whatever it is. Our eyes are fixed on and we can’t seem to see past it. It’s like wearing glasses with blue colored lens, everything you see has a blue hue.

Essentially you have to choose to take the glasses off and fix your eyes on Jesus every morning (Hebrews 12:2). Listen to what Jesus tells us to do instead of worrying:

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”  (Matthew 6:33 ESV)

We worry because we want everything to work out, but worrying will not make everything work out. One person said it this way, “worrying is like a rocking chair, it will give you something to do but it wont get you anywhere.”

But shifting our focus from our own strength, our own power and our own control and turning it to Jesus, the One who has ultimate control. We are to seek His authority in our lives. We are to desire His righteousness. When we do, He promises to influence our lives and circumstances.

2.     Be in the Present

When we worry we are thinking about something outside of our control. Often it is the future we worry about. Our thoughts of the unknown confuse us and bring fear. Yet Jesus tells us to be in the present:

“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:34 ESV)

Don’t worry about tomorrow, don’t allow the future doubts you have destroy your today. Instead be in the present. Be alive right now. Be thankful for where you are and what God is doing.

The Psalmist says in Psalm 46, ““Be still, and know that I am God.” Look at what God is doing today. Look at how He has brought you here and give thanks!

3.     Trust God

Worry is the results of our doubts. We don’t believe that God is working all things for our good. We don’t believe God heard our prayers. We don’t believe God’s plan or timing is best. Therefore we think of all the possibilities for why God won’t give us what we want.

We need to align our thinking with the Word of God. Jesus tells us about God’s care for the birds of the air and asks, “are you not of more value than they?” (Matthew 6:26).

God is faithful to watch over the birds, the flowers and the grass, and you can trust Him to watch out for you. Jesus didn’t come to this earth to die on the cross for the birds, He did that for you.

Learn to trust God in all things, for He cares for you! 

Paul tells us, “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  (Philippians 4:6-7 ESV)

Notice what happens when we trust God by praying and thanking Him…the peace of God comes upon you.

That’s my prayer for you, that you would know the peace of God. Instead of worrying this holiday season, why not turn your worry into thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Ready At A Moment’s Notice

Life gets crazy, right? We are constantly busy doing something. Even when we are doing nothing, we find ways of being busy. Often times we just waste time on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, video games, TV, movies, etc. Do you ever find it difficult to transition from mode to the next? Like going from vegging on the couch watching football to going outside to mow the yard? Or from playing C.O.D. to doing homework?

I intentionally ordered it that way, because most of us find it easy to transition away from the chore, work or study to the play. I, for one, take my time transitioning often dragging my feet not wanting to stop being lazy. But once I finally make the transition I’m good to go.

However there are times when we don’t have the luxury of transitioning and we need to be ready. There are many whose choose vocations where they maybe called into action at a moment’s notice and must be ready. Can you think of any who have this call?

Trained and Prepared

Today is Veteran’s Day and I’d like to thank all of the Veterans who served and are serving our nation for our protection. A soldier has to be ready at a moment’s notice. They are trained and prepared to be called into action without even thinking about it.

Police, firefighters, doctors and so many others spend years training and preparing to be ready when needed. The schooling they received, the obstacle courses they had to run, the repetitive challenges they had to master were all to prepare them for that moment when they maybe called.

This is the type of person you want in a crisis. You don’t want someone questioning themselves, confused or disoriented. You want someone who is ready and knowledgeable who can execute a prepared plan of action.

What are you trained and prepared in?

Passionate and Ready

There is another type of person who is ready at a moment’s notice. This isn’t to say the trained and prepared are not passionate about what they do, this is to say that sometimes something comes up that you are passionate about that you would drop what you are doing to get involved.

For me, you say, “let’s go golfing” and I am ready to go. I have my clubs in my car and I’m itching to play. Why? Because I love golf.

When I know someone is passionate about something, whether it is golf, history, business, etc. I know I can call on them for help when I need them. If I have an American History question, I know I can ask my brother, a history teacher, and he always has an answer ready. But he doesn’t just know the quick answer, he has the story behind the answer and it’s exciting to hear about it.

What are you passionate about?

The Limitations of Passion

Being passionate and ready isn’t always enough. You may be willing to engage the opportunity because you are passionate, but without the proper training and preparation the opportunity may be beyond your ability. Like if I got a call to play golf in a PGA tournament this weekend. A. I love golf. B. My training and preparedness would not even get me a qualification. No, I would have to dedicate my time to be coached and trained for years to get to that point.

Passion often times begins the conversation, but it can also reveal the need for further training.

Passionate and Prepared

In Acts 8:29-40 we encounter Philip, a deacon in the early church. Philip demonstrates for us someone who is both passionate and prepared to fulfill God’s call on his life.

Ears to Hear

Philip was attentive to the Lord’s call. We see he heard the direction of what to do and where to go from an angel of the Lord. You and I may never encounter an angel of the Lord, but God has given us the Holy Spirit who leads and guides us. However we are often too distracted to hear his voice. We haven’t cultivated ears to hear. We constantly have our ear buds in, the music playing, the youtube video running, etc. The noise is too great.

That’s why God commands us to “be still and know that I am God.” We need daily time in God’s Word and prayer to hear God’s direction.

God told Philip to head south and he went.

Eyes to See

Philip saw an Ethiopian eunuch who was reading the Word of God. He saw an opportunity to interact with this man about his faith.

We are to caught up in our own activities that we don’t see the people around us questioning life. We don’t hear of their needs.

Philip did and he approached him.

Mouth to Speak

“Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked. What a great way to start a conversation. He engaged the man and asked if he wanted help.

We often times get it wrong thinking we have to have the most eloquent statements or the most technical answers. Yet all we need to do is ask a question. We do not want to force our belief and view on anyone. Asking a question is how we can determine if they want to hear more. Asking questions is a great way to begin a spiritual conversation.

A Prepared Mind

He began where he was and began to share the Good News with the eunuch. Philip new the Gospel, he knew God’s Word and he knew how to communicate it with others. He was prepared.

The result was the eunuch accepted Christ and was baptized! You never know who is ready to follow Jesus until you hear God’s direction, see people’s needs and ask the right questions.

More then a Story

What we learn from Philip is that the Gospel needs to be more then a story in our lives. It has to be more then a Sunday School or youth group answer. It needs to be a passion. It has to start on the inside and work it’s way out.

Are you passionate about the Gospel? Have you repented from your sins and known the forgiveness of our Lord? If you have, then you have to be passionate about the Gospel.

Are you prepared to share the Gospel? What would you say to someone if they asked, “why are you a Christian”? How can you be prepared if you don’t practice, if you are not trained?

The reason we go through the G.O.S.P.E.L. every week in youth group is to remind us of the Biblical truths. The reason we talked through our stories is so that we have a springboard to share with others. If we are passionate and prepared, we too can be like Philip who led others to Jesus!

Are you passionate and prepared to share your faith?

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Writing Your Story

Putting your story into words can be harder than you realize. For you, your life is in snapshots and images that make sense. But communicating those images in a helpful way can be difficult. Did you ever have a thought that made complete sense to you, but once you said it everyone was like, huh?

Sometimes we start talking, thinking we make sense, but really we share a bunch of jumbled ideas and thoughts that the other person has no idea what we were trying to say. They just look at us and smile, while pretending to be interested. We have the best intentions to share with others the Good News about Jesus and how He changed our lives, but we get nervous and self-conscious. We get a little flustered and sometimes can’t think straight. Thoughts run through our mind, like “they think you are an idiot,” “you are speaking a total different language to them,” or “you should have just kept your mouth shut!”

How can we fulfill 1 Peter 3:15 if we are not ready to share with others the most important aspect of our life with them in a clear and simple way? It’s time you learn to prepare your story in such a way that you are ready to tell it at a moments notice! Your story does matter. And, if you are a believer, your story needs to be told. Are you telling others?

How you view your story will shape the way you tell others about it.

When I was in Jr High, I had the opportunity to hear a man share his testimony. His name is Nicky Cruz, a former gang leader and now evangelist. A book was written about his story called The Cross and the Switchblade. Just from the title you can tell why junior high Brad was caught up in the story. It was amazing to hear the story of a dramatic life change and what God has done through them. Unfortunately I began to think of my own story as dull and boring in comparison.

“Who would want to hear my story? I wish I had a story like Nicky’s?” I thought. Whoa, wait a minute. What was I focusing on in these thoughts? I was idolizing Nicky’s past. I was idolizing his story. I wanted to wow crowds with my story. That wasn’t why Nicky told me his story. He wanted me to meet the person who changed him. The truth is, I know the guy Nicky was talking about, I know Jesus and that makes for an amazing story.

No matter what your life experience is, if you know Jesus, your story is an amazing miraculous story! If you lived on the streets and were into drugs and sex and Jesus saved you out of that scene, your story is amazing. If you grew up in a loving home, with parents that took you to church and you were shelter from all kinds of crazy, but one day you realized you were a sinner and Jesus saved you, your story is amazing! Every believers’ story is a story of a dead soul coming to new life in Christ!

In our culture today, it is a miracle to not get caught up in sex, drugs, partying, alcohol, pornography, etc. Some of you might think your life story is boring because you haven’t experienced much of this. Yet there are so many who wish they never had experienced the sin, shame and pain they had to before they met Christ.

How you came to know Jesus is an amazing story! You need to tell it!

Who’s the Hero of your story?

Sometimes people want to tell others their testimony, but what comes out is totally different. They begin to talk about themselves. They share just how awful they were.

It’s as if there is a competition out there for some, where they want to prove to others that they were the worst sinner ever. “Let me tell you how bad I was!” In airing out all their dirty laundry, they begin to take the focus off of what matters and elevate themselves.

When you hear a testimony, you should hear just enough about the person that you understand how they realized they were a sinner. You don’t need to know every sin they ever committed, every vile thought, and every perversion they did.

What they don’t realize is that by demonizing themselves so much, they become the hero of their story. Look at how much I’ve changed. I am so proud of myself.

No! Jesus is the Hero! Tell your story in a way to point people to Jesus, not yourself. Tell just enough so the person can relate to you and see how you recognized your own sinfulness and need for a Savior. Jesus loves you and me, sinners who don’t deserve His love. Look at what an amazing Savior I have! He can be yours too!

Why do you choose to follow Jesus?

Most importantly, whomever you share with needs to hear why you follow Jesus. What is it about Jesus that makes Him worth loving? What has Jesus done for you that you would call yourself a Christ follower? Who introduced you to Jesus? Where were you when you met Him?

Say you just met someone new and fell in love, how do you talk about this new budding relationship? What if you have been in a relationship for a while, how do you talk about the other person? The way you communicate your love for that person tells a lot about the state and direction of your relationship and how well you know that person.

If you are a new Christian then there will be a freshness to your comments about Jesus. An excitement of a new beginning will be heard in the tone of your voice.

If you have known Jesus for some time there may be more complexities, and maturing comments. Included will be answers of why you still choose to follow Him.

The world needs to hear that there is a Savior who loves them and He is worthy of being followed.

How have you changed?

A relationship with Jesus is dynamic! All believers were once dead and have been made alive in Christ. That means change has to happen. If you are not changing then are you truly following?

From really subtle and seemingly small things, to huge and tremendous things, tell others of what Jesus had done in and through you! Ephesians 2:10 says God has saved you to use you in wonderful ways. How has He done that?

When you realize that your story is amazing because it isn’t about you, it’s about Jesus, and then you can discover the joy of telling others. As you tell your story, they will see Jesus in a new way. Maybe someone will choose to follow Jesus because of your story! Tell someone today!

It’s your turn

Grab a notebook and a pen. Begin sketching out your story and apply these principles. Prepare it in such a way that you can go over it and share it at a moments notice. Include your favorite verses from the Bible.

Make sure you include the Gospel. Check out for help with telling the Gospel in a clear and concise way.

When you are done, I’d love to read your story or help you with the process! Email me at