Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Your Story Matters!

Hall of Fame

Last winter I had the opportunity to go to the Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio for the first time. I know, it’s incredible to believe that I have grown up only 30 minutes from the Hall of Fame and only just got a chance to visit. My good friend and former youth group member, Brad Kappler, insisted on taking me. And I am so glad he did!

We had a great time looking through the story of professional football. There is so much history right here in Canton in regards to the beginnings and development of the NFL. Then walking through the hall with all the bronzed heads of the best of the best. It is just an amazing time.

Brad is passionate about sports and especially football. He has been to the Hall of Fame many times and he enjoyed sharing with me all his favorite sections. He is a real fan and it was fun listening, learning and seeing what he was showing me. Thanks for a great time Brad!

Hall of Faith

You know, that experience reminded me a lot of the opportunity we have every day. Did you know that there is a “Hall of Fame” in the Bible? Some have called Hebrews 11 the “Hall of Faith.” We get a chance to read through the heroes of the faith and learn from their stories. In hearing their names and the brief biography, we can then look back into the Bible and learn more about them.

As we see the fuller story, you may ask, “are these really heroes of the faith?” David was an adulteress and a murder. Rahab was a prostitute. Abraham and Sarah doubted.

When you read the stories in Genesis, Joshua, Judges, 1 & 2 Samuel, and others, you begin to see the utter humanness of these people. They were not perfect. They definitely had sins. But more than that, they had faith in God’s promises. The believed in God and it was accounted to them as righteousness.

You see when we believe in Jesus Christ and trust what He has done for us on the cross, God no longer sees us as rebellious sinners, but as His righteous and adopted children. He sees Christ in us because of our faith in Jesus.

That is how He sees the individuals in Hebrews 11. They are a great crowd of witnesses to His redemptive plan and purpose. Their story gives us hope and brings excitement.

Your Story

Your story carries similar weight to theirs. Can you believe that? If you trust in Jesus, you belong with them. As you faithfully live out your life, God is working in and through you in ways you cannot even fathom.
Consider king David with me. He had no idea that he would be considered part of the Hall of Faith. He was living his life and doing his own thing. He actually stopped doing what he was supposed to do and ended up sleeping with another man’s wife and killing that man to cover up his sin. Despite his best efforts, he could not hide this sin from God.

When confronted by the prophet Nathan, David was convicted to the core. Psalm 51 tells us about David’s repentant heart. What stands out to you in this psalm?

There is so much to learn, but one thing that always stands out to me is what follows confession of sins. He acknowledges his sin against God and ask for forgiveness, but the says in verse 13 that when he is forgiven he will tell others.

David quickly turns from mourning over sin to rejoicing in Jesus. He wants others to know about a great God who will forgive sins (1 John 1:9). The overflow of joy that comes from a heart turned to God is a heart that wants to tell others about God.

Your story matters! If you trust Jesus then your part of His Hall of Faith. You are the prize he went to the cross for. He has bought you and forgiven you and He wants to boast about you. You have been ransomed! He wants you to tell others of His loving kindness and goodness.

What is your story? Have you recognized your sinfulness? Have you repented from your sins and confessed them to God? Have you experienced forgiveness and the joy of knowing Jesus? If you said yes to these, are you telling others your story?

The Bible says, “let the redeemed of the Lord say so!” So I’m challenging you to say it! Tell your story! Tell it with joy and excitement!

If you are not excited about your story, is it because you don’t believe? Is it because you don’t feel worthy of being loved by God? Is it because you don’t feel you deserve to be forgiven?

Listen! Jesus loves you for who you are! Nothing you can do will make Him love you less and nothing you do will cause Him to love you more. You cannot earn His love. He offers it freely to all who will trust Him. Will you trust Him today?

Your story could begin right now. You can join the Hall of Faith. When you do, tell your story!

Here is Jamie Grace sharing her story:

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Show Me Your Faith

There are just some things in life you have to experience to understand. You won’t understand the thrill you get from a zip line, unless you take the plunge. You can’t fully appreciate the excitement of white water rafting, until you surf the rapids. You can’t grasp the bond of a team if you never join one.

There is something about the faith you will not understand unless you share it with others. To serve others in the name of Christ brings a whole new appreciation to the faith.

Paul writes to Philemon, the head of a house church, that he is praying for the sharing of his faith to be effective in order that Philemon would have a full knowledge of the good things we have in Christ.

I received Jesus Christ at a very young age. I grew up in church, 5 Day Club, Good News Club, AWANA, and so many other opportunities. However, it was in sharing my faith that I began to see the richness of our faith. As I began to serve others, it was as if life was blown into the knowledge I had.

There was plenty to be excited about in the knowledge and growing in my understanding. But it was as if I began seeing new colors or hearing new sounds. Living out the faith by helping others see Jesus made life more fulfilling. I can honestly say that I am a youth pastor today because of the opportunity I had to share my faith with someone as a 19 year old. It had such a dramatic impact on my life that I changed directions.

To serve others is to allow our love for Jesus to be expressed for the benefit of others. It is to see the value in others, that they are made in the Image of God and are loved by God. It is humbling yourself and getting out of the way in order to lift someone up.

Often our soul gets cluttered with our preoccupation with our self. We are so worried about taking care of “me” that we forget about others. It is for this reason that God wants us to forget about self and serve others. One person said it best this way, “JOY is Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last.”

Sharing your faith by serving others can be a thankless job. It may not make headlines, but it will mean a lot to the individual. It may not bring the praise of man, but it will please God. The joy of Christ that you experience makes it worth it every time.

One last story, our youth group has participated in serving the homeless on several occasions. Last winter it was cold and sometimes it was really hard to get people to go downtown and serve a hot meal. I admit, it was difficult to get motivated. Thoughts like, “am I really making a difference?” “these guys don’t care” “it’s somebody else’s turn,” etc, came to mind.

But one Sunday afternoon we went. We had the opportunity to talk to a man who confessed how hard his week was. “I was done,” he said. By done, he meant he was going to kill himself. He continued, “I had too much, I didn’t have the strength to face one more cold night. But then I remembered you were coming. The thought of seeing you all gave me hope to get through. You saved my life.”

Wow! Who would have thought that just providing one meal with a smile and maybe a hug would mean so much. Serving him saved his life. You just can’t imagine how rewarding it is to hear someone say that. God allowed us to participate in saving a life.

When you serve someone for the cause of Christ, it benefits your soul.

So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” (James 2:17-18 ESV)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Why Worship?

When you think of a place to relax, what comes to mind? Where do you go to chill, to forget about the busy, crazy and hectic schedule and unwind?

I love the woods, mountains and water. I love hiking along a river, or sitting by a lake. I my mind, the most relaxing and calming place I can be is surrounded by God’s natural beauty.

One place that comes to the forefront of my memory is the spot I chose to meet with God on my missions trip to Ireland. There, not far from our campsite, was a path that led into the woods. Once entering the woods you could see the lake to your right through a clearing, and to the left the dense forest. The path crossed over an ancient stone footbridge, hundreds of years old. Once on the other side, you could walk done near the water on these rock slabs. It was here that I would meet with God for my quiet time. It was here that I first learned the importance of my faith as a relationship and not a religion. It was here that I connected with my Savior. And it only takes a moment to remember.

I have other such places in my mind that I have enjoyed throughout my life. And this is the promise of our Lord, who is our Shepherd. He promises to lead us to a place of rest. He brings us to the calming waters, and bring a stillness to our soul.

Listen to this truth again, “He restores my soul.”

As we have been discussing “Soul Care” over these past few weeks, this is what we are leading to. Jesus restores our soul. In Him worshipping Him we find a newness to our soul.

Worship.  What comes to your mind when you think of worship? Often people think of the praise and worship time at church. And that has something to do with it.

Sometimes we go to church and don’t worship. Sometimes we are singing the praise songs, but we are not worshiping. Sometimes we study the Bible but we are not worshiping.  Huh? How does that work?

Sometimes I go golfing and I am worshiping. Sometimes I go hiking, and I am worshiping. Sometimes I meet a student for coffee and I am worshiping. Huh? How does that work?

Worship is not only defined by the activity we are engaged in but in the attitude of our heart. Worship is a lifestyle. It’s a mindset that sees the beauty of Christ in all things. Worship is being aware of the presence of God in what you are doing, wherever you are at.

How many times have you engaged in “spiritual” activity but your heart and mind were far from it. Have you ever heard your voice singing lyrics to a song, but your mind is saying “you don’t believe this”? Have you ever scribbled notes to the sermon but could not stop thinking about the test or the Dr visit?

Worship is actively engaging your heart and mind in the presence of God. Gathering together to sing is helpful, but don’t allow yourself to think that is all worship is. When you can realize that everything we do, we can do for the glory of God, you can worship 24/7.

The more in love with Jesus you are, the more you will long to worship Him. The more you worship Him, the more your soul will be restored. Worshiping Jesus is the best thing you can do for your soul.

Close your eyes (not yet, you have to finish reading this blog) and think to the most calming and relaxing place you can be. Are you with Jesus there? Being with Jesus is where you find worship.

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.     
He leads me beside still waters.                    
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
 (Psalm 23:1-3 ESV)